Postapocalyptic jewellery

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Description we make jewellery from found objects from the congress, leftovers of other workshops or provided stuff as electronic scrap.

wir stellen schmuck aus überresten der zivilisation her, aus fundstücken von kongress selbst, aus resten anderer workshops oder mitgebrachtem (elektro-)schrott.

Type Workshop
Kids session Yes
Keyword(s) social, hardware
Tags diy or die, crafting, art, jewellery, junk, waste, upcycling, recycling, DIY, postapocalypse, steampunk, electronic scrap
Processing assembly Magic: The Assembly
Person organizing Paulaner
Language de - German, en - English
"de - German, en - English" is not in the list of possible values (ab - Abkhazian, af - Afrikaans, an - Aragonese, ar - Arabic, as - Assamese, az - Azerbaijani, be - Belarusian, bg - Bulgarian, bn - Bengali, bo - Tibetan, br - Breton, bs - Bosnian, ca - Catalan / Valencian, ce - Chechen, co - Corsican, cs - Czech, cu - Church Slavic, cy - Welsh, da - Danish, de - German, el - Greek, en - English, eo - Esperanto, es - Spanish / Castilian, et - Estonian, eu - Basque, fa - Persian, fi - Finnish, fj - Fijian, fo - Faroese, fr - French, fy - Western Frisian, ga - Irish, gd - Gaelic / Scottish Gaelic, gl - Galician, gv - Manx, he - Hebrew, hi - Hindi, hr - Croatian, ht - Haitian; Haitian Creole, hu - Hungarian, hy - Armenian, id - Indonesian, is - Icelandic, it - Italian, ja - Japanese, jv - Javanese, ka - Georgian, kg - Kongo, ko - Korean, ku - Kurdish, kw - Cornish, ky - Kirghiz, la - Latin, lb - Luxembourgish; Letzeburgesch, li - Limburgan; Limburger; Limburgish, ln - Lingala, lt - Lithuanian, lv - Latvian, mg - Malagasy, mk - Macedonian, mn - Mongolian, mo - Moldavian, ms - Malay, mt - Maltese, my - Burmese, nb - Norwegian (Bokmål), ne - Nepali, nl - Dutch, nn - Norwegian (Nynorsk), no - Norwegian, oc - Occitan (post 1500); Provençal, pl - Polish, pt - Portuguese, rm - Raeto-Romance, ro - Romanian, ru - Russian, sc - Sardinian, se - Northern Sami, sk - Slovak, sl - Slovenian, so - Somali, sq - Albanian, sr - Serbian, sv - Swedish, sw - Swahili, tk - Turkmen, tr - Turkish, ty - Tahitian, uk - Ukrainian, ur - Urdu, uz - Uzbek, vi - Vietnamese, vo - Volapük, yi - Yiddish, zh - Chinese) for this property.
Other sessions...


Starts at
Ends at Error: Invalid time.
Duration as long as the participants want minutes
"as long as the participants want" is not a number.

we make jewellery from found objects from the congress, leftovers of other workshops or provided stuff as electronic scrap.

wir stellen schmuck aus überresten der zivilisation her, aus fundstücken von kongress selbst, aus resten anderer workshops oder mitgebrachtem (elektro-)schrott. es sollen ästhetikbewusstsein und bewussterer umgang mit ressourcen vermittelt werden, außerdem werden durch den umgang mit verschiedensten komponenten und materialien die motorik und handwerklichen fähigkeiten der teilnehmenden geschult. gleichzeitig wird die abfallmenge vom kongress geringfügig reduziert.