Another test

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This page contains one or more invalid propertie values.

Please fix this as this will break listing functions around the wiki, and causes parsing errors that resulting broken stying around the page containing the property.

Has improper value forThis property is a special property in this wiki. Has language property

Person organizing
"{{{Held in language}}}" is not in the list of possible values (ab - Abkhazian, af - Afrikaans, an - Aragonese, ar - Arabic, as - Assamese, az - Azerbaijani, be - Belarusian, bg - Bulgarian, bn - Bengali, bo - Tibetan, br - Breton, bs - Bosnian, ca - Catalan / Valencian, ce - Chechen, co - Corsican, cs - Czech, cu - Church Slavic, cy - Welsh, da - Danish, de - German, el - Greek, en - English, eo - Esperanto, es - Spanish / Castilian, et - Estonian, eu - Basque, fa - Persian, fi - Finnish, fj - Fijian, fo - Faroese, fr - French, fy - Western Frisian, ga - Irish, gd - Gaelic / Scottish Gaelic, gl - Galician, gv - Manx, he - Hebrew, hi - Hindi, hr - Croatian, ht - Haitian; Haitian Creole, hu - Hungarian, hy - Armenian, id - Indonesian, is - Icelandic, it - Italian, ja - Japanese, jv - Javanese, ka - Georgian, kg - Kongo, ko - Korean, ku - Kurdish, kw - Cornish, ky - Kirghiz, la - Latin, lb - Luxembourgish; Letzeburgesch, li - Limburgan; Limburger; Limburgish, ln - Lingala, lt - Lithuanian, lv - Latvian, mg - Malagasy, mk - Macedonian, mn - Mongolian, mo - Moldavian, ms - Malay, mt - Maltese, my - Burmese, nb - Norwegian (Bokmål), ne - Nepali, nl - Dutch, nn - Norwegian (Nynorsk), no - Norwegian, oc - Occitan (post 1500); Provençal, pl - Polish, pt - Portuguese, rm - Raeto-Romance, ro - Romanian, ru - Russian, sc - Sardinian, se - Northern Sami, sk - Slovak, sl - Slovenian, so - Somali, sq - Albanian, sr - Serbian, sv - Swedish, sw - Swahili, tk - Turkmen, tr - Turkish, ty - Tahitian, uk - Ukrainian, ur - Urdu, uz - Uzbek, vi - Vietnamese, vo - Volapük, yi - Yiddish, zh - Chinese) for this property.
Duration 5
Desired session Day 4
