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Description Playing with food while having conversations about what people are doing, which parts of the puzzle of well being they are contributing to, what kinds of infrastructures are missing for us to support each others projects, and live great lives ...p2p.
Website(s) edgeryders.eu
Type Hands-On
Kids session No
Keyword(s) social, political, network, hacking, food
Tags food, health, well being, infrastructures
Processing assembly Edgeryders
Person organizing Ladyniasan
Language en - English
en - English
Other sessions...


Subtitle WeMixology
Starts at 2014/12/28 16:00
Ends at 2014/12/28 18:00
Duration 120 minutes
Location Food Hacking Base

Subtitle Agape meal
Starts at
Ends at 2021/07/06 10:05
Duration 60 minutes
Location Food Hacking Base

During this hands on workshop, we create and trade new combinations of food together in different "sessions". The act of preparing ingredients, creating and trading new combinations of food is a good backdrop for discovering what people are working on, how they complement each other and what ingredients and recipes are missing that we could build together in the future.

We end the workshop with a nice shared "Agape-style" guided meal.