- When and where is the 30C3 going to happen?
- December 27th to 30th, 2013
- CCH Congress Center Hamburg, Germany, Earth, Milky Way (Map)
- Address
- CCH - Congress Center Hamburg
- Am Dammtor / Marseiller Str.
- 20355 Hamburg
- Germany
- Geo Coordinates
- N 53° 33' 42
- E 9° 59' 11
[hide]- 1 Tickets, Pricing, Ticket Sale
- 2 Participating
- 3 Network
- 4 Telecommunications
- 5 Accommodation and Travel
- 6 Other Questions
- 6.1 What about videotaping/taking pictures at congress?
- 6.2 Is the CCH barrier-free for people with mobility disabilities?
- 6.3 Why did you move the CCCongress to Hamburg (of all places)?
- 6.4 Is the Congress open 24/4?
- 6.5 Will there be a place to deposit luggage (such as lockers) ?
- 6.6 Why is the Congress so expensive? I only earn XYZ?
- 6.7 I've heard about people being harassed at tech cons. Do I need to worry?
- 6.8 Where can I get vegan or vegetarian food?
- 6.9 How the hell do you flip the tables in Saal 1?
- 6.10 After-Party on Dec 30th
- 6.11 Where is the mandatory dating site?
- 6.12 Where could I publish my 30c3 photos?
Tickets, Pricing, Ticket Sale
- Questions about Tickets, Pricing and Ticket Sale
- see Tickets
- What to do if I wanna be a real part of the Congress?
- see Volunteers
- see also Projects
- Questions about the congress network
- see Network
- Questions about securing your computer
- see How To Survive
- Questions about the DECT-Network and the Phone Operation Center
- see POC
- Questions about the GSM network
- see GSM
- Questions about dialing in and out the Congress
- see Linux-Call-Router
Accommodation and Travel
- Questions on where to stay
- see Accommodation
- Questions on how to get there
- see Travel
- Further information about Hamburg and public transport
- see Local transport
Other Questions
What about videotaping/taking pictures at congress?
- Ask everybody in the picture if they agree to be photographed or filmed.
- It follows that shots from the stage into the audience and long shots in the hack center and the other public areas are not possible! Please note that we might ask photographers and film teams to leave if they don't behave accordingly.
Is the CCH barrier-free for people with mobility disabilities?
- Yes. Elevators can be freely used and will be available from ground floor up and down without key or CCH personel. The parking lot levels will be locked and therefore unreachable via elevators. Disabled people and their escort can get easy entrance via the ambulance ramp at the backside of the building on ground level, that is the entrance from "Tiergartenstrasse". The ramp is signposted for car drivers. If required, they can receive assistance from the CCC CERT team via DECT 112 and DECT 911.
- But in general, all angels will be happy to assist in case of any questions or if a helping hand is required.
- For more details the CCH provides a Information for people with mobility disabilities (English version) and a german version Merkblatt für Rollstuhlfahrer.
- To get to the foyers at floor 03 and/or to floor 4 a transit is needed via another elevator, reachable from Floor 1 or 2. Please get the map at infodesk, ground floor.
Why did you move the CCCongress to Hamburg (of all places)?
- We answered that last year in a blog post.
Is the Congress open 24/4?
- Yes.
Will there be a place to deposit luggage (such as lockers) ?
- We have the Cloakroom where you can deposit your luggage for which we cannot assume liability. Real lockers are in the nearby train station ("Dammtor").
Why is the Congress so expensive? I only earn XYZ?
- Frankly, we don't think the Congress is expensive: None of us gets paid for their work and the entrance fee just covers the inevitable costs for internet, power, cch staff, external supporters, etc. We try to involve every attendee by their financial capabilities. If you think the entrance fee exceeds yours and you still would like to attend, please contact us via email, together we will find a solution. See also: Tickets
I've heard about people being harassed at tech cons. Do I need to worry?
- Generally, the Congress is a safe and friendly place, and the vast majority of attendants knows how to behave. If you run into someone who doesn't and can't resolve the problem yourself or with the help of other attendants, don't hesitate to contact the security angel, either directly by calling 110 on DECT, or by asking any of the volunteers to do this for you. Safety and Security on 30C3 for more details.
Where can I get vegan or vegetarian food?
- Have a look at the Happy-Cow page or at Hamburg-VEGAN.de and see our page Food and drinks
How the hell do you flip the tables in Saal 1?
- Pull the lever and pull the table towards you. Then pull it again and flip the upper part to a horizontal position, see photo.
After-Party on Dec 30th
- In Berlin, there was always an ending-party at the c-base on the December 30th evening which was really worth to stay. Is there something similar in Hamburg?
- Yes, there will be an after-party on Dec 30th.
- Yes, there will be an after-lounge on Dec 30th at c-base, and Yes on Dec 31th we will party hard at c-base
Where is the mandatory dating site?
- It's here: Dating
Where could I publish my 30c3 photos?
- There's a flickr group