Like each chaotic event the 30C3 will not be possible without the help of many volunteers. YOU can be one of them and really be a part of the event!
Volunteering is actually a lot of fun!
As a volunteer, you will be doing important stuff, meet many interesting people and generally have a great time. Furthermore, we will provide a volunteers-only area with a small Hackcenter and some kind of never-ending breakfast.
If you have any questions after reading this page, you can ask at engel at lists.ccc.de or add your question below.
[hide]- 1 How do I become a Volunteer?
- 2 What would be my job as an angel?
- 3 What kind of volunteers are needed?
- 4 Coordinator
- 5 Questions and answers
- 5.1 Do I get a reduced entrance fee as an angel?
- 5.2 When and where are the angel meetings?
- 5.3 What the hell is Heaven?
- 5.4 What is the Shift System?
- 5.5 What and who is an Arch Angel?
- 5.6 Is there anything I have to bring?
- 5.7 How long do I have to work as an angel?
- 5.8 I'm only XX years old. Can I help?
- 5.9 Badge - Where do I get my Angel badge?
- 5.10 More Questions?
How do I become a Volunteer?
- Read this page carefully.
- If you never volunteered at the C3 before, please go to the angel area Heaven and get an introduction at the shift coordinator desk.
- In order to sign up for shifts, you need to register an account at https://engelsystem.de/ (Available latest from December 20th)
- If you want to sign up for special shifts like Audio-/Video-Angel, Herald-Angel or others, please check for requirements below.
- Please bring a DECT or spare GSM phone as this is vital for communicating during your shifts.
- Participate in the angel meetings.
What would be my job as an angel?
Angels are the heart and soul of every congress. Since there is a lot of work to do 24/4 we need help day and night on various tasks ranging from audio angels over entrance angels to wellness angels. Please check the list below. Pro tip: Night shifts are not as hectic as day shifts and often come along with some sort of network access.
What kind of volunteers are needed?
This is just a brief overview, there is not every part of places for volunteering listed.
Lecture oriented
We need Heralds with strong English skills who feel comfortable while speaking in front of the crowd at the beginning of each talk. Heralds are primarily responsible for each lecture hall from the beginning to the end of a talk. Heralds ensure that the speakers are on time, ready to go and properly introduced to the crowd. During the talk, they fix any problem that may arise. Finally, they make sure the speaker wraps up before the session is over to keep the congress moving along.
Please check the Heralds page for more in-depth information.
All events will be archived and streamed. We need people who ensure our cameras (video angels) and microphones (audio angels) are up and running. In addition the angels help handing out microphones in the lecture rooms for questions to the panel. There also is the VOC (Video Operation Team) that cares for publishing the recordings.
All audio- and video-angels are required to participate in an introduction lecture given on various dates during the conference. Specific dates are to be announced. Please do not sign up for any shifts if you have not participated in the introduction lecture.
Please check the audio and video angels page for more information.
Signal Angels
Signal Angels care for all those listening to talks via the Streams from home. They watch Twitter and IRC channels and provide feedback/questions to the speakers in the Q/A session after the talk.
Signal angels need to bring their own laptop in order to do their job.
See Signal Angels
The infodesk helps visitors on their way around the congress as well as Hamburg itself. The infodesk is open 24/4, you will be working in a team of about 4 volunteers.
A nice and kind type of personality is needed. You'll be required to answer the same questions over and over again. Preferrably you know your way around in Hamburg. Typical questions are for telephonenumbers of certain crew-members, the location of workshoprooms, where to get vegan food, the next train to place xy, how to get tickets for the gym, and so on. Therefore, there has to be an introduction before your first shift. Please ask timely before your first shift at the infodesk for an introduction.
See Infodesk
Membership Desk
See Membership Desk
Netangels help the NOC to build the network and to provide support and service to the participants.
Netangels should have a basic knowledge of computer networks. For further information please talk to the NOC Helpdesk.
The angels of the CERT (Chaos Emergency Response Team) are the first responders and provide first aid in case of a medical emergency. We are looking after the fire protection in this building also.
Build up / Tear down
Very important job. You should be in good health, and hard work doesn't bother you. You might get the opportunity, to see the secret parts of the CCH.
This is where tickets are sold, badges are fixed/checked and exits are secured. The entrance team includes cash desk angels and entrance angels (former guardian and crimp angels). For more information check out the entrance page. We will need a considerable number of reliable volunteers here.
Entrance angels require patience and some social skills. Sometimes deconfliction skills, especially at night are very important. Other than that no requirements have to be met.
Cash desk angels have to participate in an introduction lecture prior to their first shift at the cash desk. Dates for the lectures will be announced prior to conference start.
Chaos angels and the crew are self-catered. So we need some angels that take care of that.
For info ask around in the Heaven. There are night and day shifts.
With your help, we try to operate the Cloakroom 24/4 during the congress.
If you're interested in helping out at the cloakroom, just sign up for a shift in the shift system and arrive in time, so everything can be explained to you.
This year we will again handle the selling of drinks by ourselfs. So there will be different bars where we need people to hand out bottles.
Bar angels normally work during the evening and night.
Angel coordinators are the contact person for specific tasks/jobs. They should be contacted, if you have questions about the specific task and they can give you access for restricted shifts, after your introduction/briefing for the restricted angeltask.
The list of the coodinators will be extended.
Audio/Video | Guide |
Infodesk | Martin,S0krates |
Signal Angels | Watz |
Translation | hds, moeffju |
Questions and answers
Do I get a reduced entrance fee as an angel?
Volunteers won't get any reduced prices. Everyone of us is paying the full price! But since we value your support a lot, we will hand out special limited edition t-shirts for all angels who have done enough shifts at the end of the congress. Additionally you get exclusive access to the Heaven which includes free (basic) food, coffee and water.
When and where are the angel meetings?
Angel meetings will be held in the Heaven daily. Exact times will be announced here in the near future.
What the hell is Heaven?
The Heaven is a place for angels to take a break between their shifts and socialize. As a thank you for hard working angels there will be coffee, tea, and sometimes food. The Heaven will be located at first floor. If angels are needed at short notice free angels at the Heaven will be asked to support.
What is the Shift System?
The Angel System will be used to centrally coordinate shifts and Chaos Angels. If you want to register as an angel, you need to create an account for yourself. You can find the Shift System at https://engelsystem.de (Available from December 20th)
To find available shifts, click "available shifts" on the left hand side, then select the area in which you would like to help out, and then use the date links above the shift table to jump to the individual days. Note the "available shifts" page also contains a "show everything at once" link which shows all areas for a given day. Under "my shifts" you can also cancel your shifts up to 3 hours before they start.
Please choose your shift there and show up around 10 minutes before your shifts start, especially for audio and video angels.
What and who is an Arch Angel?
Arch Angels are people, who have been working at the congress for many many years. They know the staff, they know who is responsible for what, who can help in case of a specific problem, they know the venue, and mostly they are cool and relaxed. So, they take care of a volunteer/ chaos angel in the case of a problem. They should be contacted, if something went wrong and there is no contact person for the job, the angel is doing at that moment or the contact person is not reachable and last the coordinator is not reachable. Also, the arch angels should be contacted for problems, that are not related to specific angel tasks.
Contact them personally in the Heaven, via DECT or via mail to erzengel at lists.ccc.de
The team of arch angels this year:
BugBlue |
Downhill |
HonkHase |
Guide |
Jz |
Is there anything I have to bring?
- Please bring a DECT phone or a (spare) GSM Phone and register it at eventphone
- Something to put your coffee, tea or cereals in (if we would buy cups every day it would go off the Engel budget)
- Knife, spoon and fork or spork (although there should be plastic variants readily available)
- Equipment for your tasks if pointed out above.
How long do I have to work as an angel?
This question isn't easy to answer because it depends on the chosen job and the availability of other angels.
Working hours also vary with individual motivation. As a rule of thumb, four hours a day may be considered normal. But even doing one or two hours would help the congress.
I'm only XX years old. Can I help?
When you are old enough to attend the congress then you are old enough to help.
Badge - Where do I get my Angel badge?
As soon as you have registered with the Angel System, you may obtain your badge at the Heaven.
From experience, badges won't be available until late evening of Day 0, so don't be there too early.
If in doubt, just call INFO.
Also, you may want to bring your own lanyard, as those tend to be out of stock fast.
More Questions?
If you have any question that is not answered here, please add it in the list here.
You can also get in contact with us directly:
- Chat: #chaos-angel@hackint
- Mail: Angel Mailing List