Session:Keep it Tidy: Digital Security for Your Organization
Description | How should organisations approach the protection of their data and communications?
In this session we will dive into how Tactical Tech treats organisational security and our plans to make it even better. Speaker: Kaustubh Srikanth (@houndbee) |
Website(s) | |
Type | Talk |
Kids session | No |
Keyword(s) | hardware, software, security |
Tags | digital security |
Processing village | Village:La Quadrature du Camp |
Person organizing | |
Language | en - English |
Other sessions...
Starts at | 2015/08/14 17:30 |
Ends at | 2015/08/14 18:50 |
Duration | 80 minutes |
Location | Village:La Quadrature du Camp |
How should organisations approach the protection of their data and communications?
In this session we will dive into how Tactical Tech treats organisational security and our plans to make it even better.
We will cover the specific tools and tricks that we use for:
- Document storage and archiving - Communication - The ten basic steps to drastically increase security - Weaning colleagues off their favourite (but least safe) tools - Creating your infrastructure in such a way that it must be used securely