Talk:Radiation Monitoring

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Akiba wrote If there is a panel type discussion, its probably best to assign a moderator and limit each speaker to something like 3 or 5 mins. This is especially true for us in safecast since we've seen and done quite a bit here in Japan and tend to overtalk.

--Capo 22:06, 5 August 2011 (CEST) Same with me.:-)

We want to respect the lot of work and insights everyone is willing to share. It might be helpful to have short impulse talk on each topic first with the option to weight for further refinement at runtime. Moderation is not a big thing, as we have a count-down timer on the meetingroom.

I anyway will ask around for someone not involved in this desaster too much. Usually, this role is fulfilled on CCC lectures by so called Herald Angels - (Nick is one of them ;-)

Panel type is just one of the options. We may organize it as a barcamp starting with lightning talks 3-5 min and dive in deeper on selected topics of major common interest.As we expect to have here both newbies and skilled people (in terms of nuclear radiation measurement) involved, it might be wise to split some parts into different (sequential or parallel) sessions.

After we checked out the capabilities of the online conversation room, we started to think of a dissociated alternative:

Running an initial event early providing impulses, giving some special interest groups a chance to dive in for one day or two, and have a final panel later summarizing the work done during these days. While this reflects much of the project flow of this CCCongress, it might be difficult to organize for THS.

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