From Camp 2011 Public Wiki
Radiation Monitoring / Nukefest | |
This workshop will discuss practical aspects of nuclear radiation monitoring.
It is organized as an interactive online conference between people in Japan and people on campsite. Everyone working in this field somehow is called for contributions and encouraged to add his/her topic down below. NOTE: Begin was shifted to 12:00 CEST, 7pm JST Online guest access for active Contributors: | |
Organizer | CCCFr, Safecast, Tokyo Hackerspace |
Contact | User:Capo, User:Akiba |
DateTime | Day 2 / Aug 11 @ 12:00 |
Duration | 1:00 |
End | 2011-08-11 13:00 |
Location | Hyperspace (web conferencing), Mojave Shelter ( Workshop Area) |
Contents[hide] |
The workshop will be organized collecting topics here in advance. The session may start with Lightning Talks, where each contributor outlines the particular focus to be shared. We then may decide where to dive in deeper and how to build special interest groups if needed. In a final panel, we may aim for a common sense on how to monitor your area or nuclear facilities to make sure things are running more safe and trustworthy on planet Earth.
Project Flow
In both locations GeigerMueller counter building workshops are ongoing. We may exchange experiences in practical aspects of DIY, how to probe, check and calibrate for getting trusty readings. We may discuss techniques and recipies to get comparable readings. We may emphasize on the value of collecting those significant readings by automated upload to a common network of things.
- Sensors
- Tubes, differences between tubes, what to look for
- Geiger specs, what to look for, what to watch out for
- Pros & Cons of energy compensated GM tubes
- Geiger Mueller tubes vs. Proportional chambers
- Circuits
- Circuits, approaches to DIYing high voltage supplies
- Safecast hardware: stationary monitors, car/bicycle mounted mobile monitors
- Calibration
- Measurement Techniques
- surf contamination monitoring vs air monitoring, etc
- Important parameters: height, direction, open/closed window, filters
- Weather influence and variance of natural radiation background
- Food chain monitoring
- Environmental sampling, airsucker
- Number crunching
- Alpha, Beta Gamma
- cpm / Bq / µGy / µSv
- Monitoring Chernobyl in Europe
- Learning from governmental monitoring in Germany, France and Switzerland
- Independant monitoring of nuclear facilities in Germany
- Situation in Japan
- Looking from Europe
- Looking from inside
- Information flow beside official news and statements
- Decontamination
- Topsoil
- Scrubbing/sanding
- Other methods being tried
THS: If there is a panel type discussion, its probably best to assign a moderator [...]
Feel free to use the associated discussion page for figuring out I did so --Capo 22:09, 5 August 2011 (CEST)