Field Day - Participants

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If there is any special reason why you wan't to come let us know. E.g. if you plan to organize the audio village, are part of the NOC team or are looking for a nice place for your camper.

I will come

#. Name - From - Crew / Village / etc.
  1. Julia - Berlin - Orga team, will bring maps and stuff
  2. cpunkt - Berlin - Orga
  3. starbug - Berlin -
  4. Markus - Berlin - artevent, will probably bring his dog Lukas
  5. frapzzt - Berlin - NOC
  6. Aldert - Hx2, location possibilities, logistical needs, tent rental questions :
  7. gmc - Hx2 as well :)
  8. skytee - Berlin -
  9. User:Tim Pritlove - Berlin
  10. jeedi - Berlin - Hackers on a Plane / will maybe bring a plane ;)
  11. lasse - Berlin, cbase, motodrone
  12. KeyOz - near Berlin - Hardhackers, dragonCopter
  13. cven - berlin - c-base .. suche mitfahrgelegenheit
  14. Hoppel - Berlin
  15. Jan (Hx2)
  16. Jildou (Hx2 Lounge)
  17. Elmer (Hx2)
  18. Diggie (Hx2 Design)
  19. User:LaForge - Berlin - GSM
  20. Zarya - NL (Hx2)
  21. Elmo - NL (Hx2)
  22. Stitch (Hx2 Retro)
  23. Dodger - Hamburg - Cash Desk-needs ride from Berlin
  24. engelf - berlin - suche auch mitfahrgelegenheit
  25. nobody_su aka HB9TQM - Basel (CH) - Ham-Village/ - I will ask the pilot if he allows me to exit the plane earlier.
  26. DL1BFF - Berlin - Ham-Village -
  27. lexycode - berlin
  28. Holo - Hamburch
  29. Aracil - Muenchen - CERT (i think, i will need a lift from berlin to finofort)
  30. Dave - TkkrLab (Hx2)
  31. Pylon – C4/Dingfabrik/Fablabs/Ham-Village from Cologne
  32. fenkt - From Osnabrueck, can pick up people en route
  33. turboj - ist grade in Eberswalde und kann bis zu 4 Personen in seinem Kleinwagen von Eberswalde Hbf. mitnehmen. Achtung: Am 7.Mai ist leider Schienenersatzverkehr!
  34. Nfoonf - Hamburg - plans to create a small Village for Screaming Experts

I will probably come

  1. deborah
  2. jedahan - new york -
  3. t - berlin -
  4. manu - geraffel village (in case of fail i'll try to organize jemand anderen!) - failed/failed!

I would like to come but can't

  1. Sandb, sry, just too far away for me (Gent, Belgium), have fun!

Car Sharing

see Getting there or Travel Communities

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