Eof Village

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Home of the !eof members.
Contact mo2000, mo2000@mo2000.de
Population 20
100 m
500 ft
Citizens Apic, Booster, Downhill, Kriss, Mo2000, MrTux, Nfoonf, Ssc, Tha watcha, Transacid (10)





As fancy list with all citizens with the Template:Person on their user page:

[<>]  Name [<>] DECT [<>] Arrival [<>] Departure
Apic 4216 2455783.510 August 2011 2455787.514 August 2011
Booster 2455783.510 August 2011 2455787.514 August 2011
Downhill 3696 2455780.57 August 2011 2455789.516 August 2011
Kriss 5747 (KRIS) 2455783.510 August 2011 2455787.514 August 2011
Mo2000 6625 2455780.57 August 2011 2455787.514 August 2011
MrTux 2312 2455783.510 August 2011 2455787.514 August 2011
Nfoonf 2455781.58 August 2011 2455787.514 August 2011
Ssc 2455779.56 August 2011 2455788.515 August 2011
Tha watcha 1725298.512 August 11 1725300.514 August 11
Transacid 2455782.59 August 2011 2455788.515 August 2011



Owner What Who use
mo2000 Little Caravan mo2000
mo2000 Tent (3 (4 max) People) MrTux, tec, Booster
mo2000 Tent (3 (6 max) People) Tha watcha
apic Tent apic

(BugBlue, Downhill somwhere on the site)

Equipment (food / comfort)
Owner What
mo2000 BBQ (Gas)
Equipment (technic)
Owner What
mo2000 25m (50m) Powercable
mo2000 70m Cat5(patch)
MrTux Switching Gear (24 Copper, 4 Fiber, L3 capable)


We will work together with all camp participants on the .

Workshops etc.

  • Please create an own page for each workshop. Otherwise the tables will be screwed up and


ExampleVille 2007
The Earth
Archived page - Impressum/Datenschutz