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village of c3h (leitstelle511). will be a part of the big milliways camp.
Contact Imp
Population 14
100 m
500 ft
Citizens Coco, Guido, Imp, Ischtar, Kiki der gecko, Nexus, Psycorama, Salz, Skater, Sync (10)




As we are currently still planning our village, there is yet some work to be done. So there is not much information to give yet but some interesting facts:

  • We will bring at least one big tent and several smaller ones for sleeping.
  • We are hoping to present our Signalboard. And will probably perform on ore more (if you ask niceley :) workshops where we show and help you to solder your own one using our prepared kits. If you want to pre-order one of our 20 pre-orderable kits write an email to "" for reservation. All the parts have arrived and we're ready to accept pre-orders. We will also bring a small amount of kits we'll hand out without reservation so be sure to check early while they're still in stock. ;)
  • We might present some other of our projects currently in progress.

More will be added soon :).


irc #aussenstelle511 (ircnet)
email (leitstelle511) kontakt (a) hannover (dot) ccc (dot) de
xmpp chat


[<>]  Name [<>] Projects [<>] DECT [<>] Arrival [<>] Departure
Coco 2455782.59 August 2011 2455787.514 August 2011
Guido 2455783.510 August 2011 2455787.514 August 2011
Imp Signalboard
2455783.510 August 2011 2455787.514 August 2011
Ischtar 2455783.510 August 2011 2455787.514 August 2011
Kiki der gecko 2455783.510 August 2011 2455787.514 August 2011
Nexus 2455783.510 August 2011 2455787.514 August 2011
Psycorama Signalboard 2455778.55 August 2011 2455788.515 August 2011
Salz 2455779.56 August 2011 2455787.514 August 2011
Skater 5523 2455783.510 August 2011 2455787.514 August 2011



We will work together with camp participants on the Signalboard, Tasta, Signalboard.

The Earth
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