ArduinoForTotalNewbies Day3

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Arduino For Total Newbies
Learn what Arduinos are, and learn how to do cool things with them! (Using TV-B-Gone as an example project.) -- Identical workshops on Day2, Day3, and Day4.
Organizer User:Maltman23
Contact 2676, mitch *AT* CornfieldElectronics *DOT* com
DateTime Day 3 / Aug 12 @ 14:00
Duration 3 h
End 2011-08-12 14:00
Location H_x^2

Note: This workshop will be repeated on Day2, Day3, and Day4 (identical workshops each time).

(Wiki for all hardware hacking workshops at the huge Hardware Hacking Tent:
       Hardware Hacking Workshops wiki)
(More hardware hacking workshops are happening at the Mojave shelter throughout Camp.)



Arduinos for Total Newbies workshop:

Learn Arduino
using TV-B-Gone
as an example project


Happy hardware hackers

You've probably heard lots about Arduino. But if you don't know what it is, or how you can use it to do all sorts of cool things, then this fun and easy workshop is for you. As an example project, we'll be creating a TV-B-Gone remote control out of an Arduino you can take home with you.

(This is one of many cool things happening throughout CCCamp in the huge Hardware Hacking Tent at Hack Square.)

Full Description:

Arduino is an amazingly powerful tool that is very simple to learn to use. It was designed so that artists and non-geeks can start from nothing, and make something cool happen in less than 90 minutes. Yet, it is powerful enough so that uber-geeks can use it for their projects as well.

This workshop is easy enough for total newbies to learn all you need to know to get going on an Arduino.

Taught by Mitch Altman. Participants will make their own Arduino clone, and set it up on solderless breadboards to make their own TV-B-Gone remote control to turn off TVs in public places -- a fun way to learn Arduino (and electronics) basics. Bring your laptop, if you can.

Big thanks to Ken Shirriff, who came up with the original TV-B-Gone for Arduino.

Workshop Itinerary

  • We will start by learning to solder. Don't let this scare you! I've taught well over 30,000 people to solder, most of whom have never made anything before in their lives. It is actually a very easy skill to learn. It is also very useful.
  • Then we will each make our own Arduino clone from a kit made by Ladyada: BoArduino.
  • Now that we each have our own Arduino, we will set up the free and open-source software on our laptops (if you bring one) -- Windows, MacOS, or Linux are all fine!
  • And then its time to make something and learn how easy it is to use Aruino! You'll put together your own TV-B-Gone remote control using your BoArduino. We will use a solderless breadboard. These are really useful, and provide a fast, and very easy way to put circuits together without needing to solder.
  • There should be time for target practice after the workshop.


     What: Arduino workshop for newbies, using TV-B-Gone remote controls as an intro
     When: This workshop will be given the same time on three days (all 3 workshops are identical):
          14:00h to 17:00h on Day 2 (Thursday the 11th)
          14:00h to 17:00h on Day 3 (Friday the 12th)
          14:00h to 17:00h on Day 4 (Saturday the 13th)
     Where: Hardware Hacking Tent, at Hack Square (Hx2)
     Who: Anyone and everyone can have fun learning Arduino. Ages 8 to 100
     Cost: Instruction is free,
          parts costs (if you want to make along with us and bring your Arduino TV-B-Gone home with you): €30
             (optional FTDI programming cable: €20)

Bring your laptop if you want to go home with the free Arduino software installed on it.
Arduino software runs on Windows, MacOS and Linux.


TV-B-Gone website
Ardiuno website
Ken Shirriff's TV-B-Gone Arduino project page
Ladyada's BoArduino page
"Soldering Is Easy!" comic book by Mitch Altman, Andie Nordgren, and Jeff Keyzer

The Earth
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