[605] THC Olympic Quiz Game

The HackerĀ“s Choice (THC)
Language english
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Room Hackcenter
Time Day 3, 18:00h
Duration 1 hour


This is the chance to prove your evil skills. Form a team of 2 to 4 people with your hacker mates and join the THC Olympic Quiz Game.

Fight against the other teams by answering several tricky questions from the field of security, hacking and computer science, e.g. "Who was first: C, Unix or SCO?"

After a mind-teasing round of questions, you have to fool around and prove your non-existing physical fitness by participating in the following disciplines:

- Harddisk throwing (if space available)

- Mouse curling (curl your opponents mice of the board)

- Keyboard re-assembling (is it "op?" or "po?"?)

- Balancing a keyboard on one finger

- ...

3-5 Teams will be questioned at the same time. We will play several matches. You dont have to register if you want to sign up. Just be at the quiz on time. First come, first server.

More information available at http://www.thc.org/camp-quiz/.

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