[599] Why C and UNIX suck for security, and what alternatives we have

Andreas Bogk
Language english
Room Tent B
Time Day 1, 14:00h
Duration 1 hour
[1] http://research.microsoft.com/~daniel/unix-haters.html
[2] http://l4ka.org/
[3] http://www.tunes.org/
[4] http://www.gwydiondylan.org/
[5] http://kogs-www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/~moeller/symbolics-info/symbolics.html


In 1988, the Internet was stuck by the first worm. It propagated by exploiting buffer overflows. 15 years later, it seems like people didn't learn the lesson: buffer overflows are still security problem number one. Millions of lines of C code in modern UNIX systems provide ample of opportunity for bugs to hide, and UNIX doesn't do much to stop the bugs either.

This lecture will look into alternative programming language and operating system approaches, and what they can do to help us build secure and reliable systems.

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