[578] HeartOfGold'v6

Achim Friedland
Lecture Documentation
Room Tent B
Time Day 3, 17:00h
Duration 1 hour


Most parts of our 'Hearth of Gold' network are still version 4.0. It's well designed - no problems so far, but using this network is becoming more and more a pain in the ass. Wlan connections with poore transmission rates, very high delay, tcp brakes at warp one and above, still this sucking caesar chiffre, on and on...

Let's take a closer look at the actual problems and afterwards let's create a new networking concept for your starship using state-of-the-art technologies like IPv6, Mobile IPv6, SCTP, IPSec (and other ciffres) in ways the IETF never dreamt about... ;)

IPv6, Mobile IPv6, Routing, SCTP, Encryption and the the dark side of WLAN

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