[567] LDAP - concepts, applications, practical problems

Peter Gietz
Language english
Room Tent B
Time Day 3, 18:00h
Duration 1 hour


LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) gains increasing importance in network applications. It is an object oriented database with inherent network protocol, which provides features like data distribution on several servers, replication of data, secure access and access control mechanisms.

The presentation will give a detailed introduction into this technology and will deal with the following subjects:

1.) Introduction to LDAP

- Introduction to directories

- LDAP heritage

- LDAP information model

- LDAP operational model

- Open Source implementation OpenLDAP

- LDAP schema registration

2.) Applications of LDAP technology

- White and Yellow Pages

- Central authentication service

- Unified login with OpenLDAP and Samba

- Unified password with LDAP enabled applications

- Single Sign On with Kerberos

- LDAP and Information management

- Metadata and Ontologies, or LDAP and the Semantic Web

- LDAP and Ressource management, in Grid Computing and elsewhere

- LDAP and X.509 based Public Key Infrastructure

- LDAP and Directory Enabled Networking

3.) The future of LDAP - is it XML?

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