30C3: ohne Motto (2013)

Das 22. Türchen der #35C3 Memory Lane: Den tiefen Staat sichtbar machen

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Das zweiundzwanzigste Türchen.

Es ist ein Konzept politischer Analyse, aber auch zentraler Aspekt von Verschwörungstheorien: der „tiefe Staat“, der ein gewisses Eigenleben führt. Einen gleichnamigen Vortrag hielt Andreas Lehner im Jahr 0 nach Snowden, also auf dem 30C3 und zu der Zeit, als sich vermeintliche Paranoia gegenüber Staaten und Geheimdiensten als schlichte Wahrheit entpuppte.

In seinem Vortrag …

Das 21. Türchen der #35C3 Memory Lane: Mein Bügelbrett war’s

35c3-calendar 21

Das einundzwanzigste Türchen.

Eine echte Bank im Programm des Chaos Communication Congress sind die Security Nightmares, präsentiert von Ron und Frank, die sich in eingespielter Manier und mit wachsendem Zynismus die Bälle zuwerfen. Exemplarisch sei heute die Ausgabe vom 30C3 herausgegriffen, die ihrerseits die Nummer 14 der ausgesprochen traditionsreichen Vortragsreihe ist.

Das Jahr des 30C3 war auch das Jahr …

Maintenance: events.ccc.de


Some of you might have noticed the downtime of events.ccc.de during 30C3. Problems where based on multiple circumstances: On the one hand, we provided a lot more effort to features within the wiki. On the other hand, we postponed the necessary serverupgrade a bit too long. We already rented a new system some month before the congress started, but did not find the time to move all pages over to it.

As the wiki broke down the pages were moved to the new server during the congress to get the wiki available on the last day. As this has been just a quick copy action, we actually did not have any …

30C3 recordings: all formats released


Congress is over now and as always, there has been much more to see than what could be seen in four short days. If you missed some of the talks however, we can help out: Almost all talks have now been released on http://media.ccc.de/browse/congress/2013/ in various formats.

If you prefer a plain directory listing, please go to http://cdn.media.ccc.de/congress/2013/. It has been reported that this URL also works quite fine with various media players e.g. XBMC.

Each talk is available as MPEG-4 AVC/H264 and WebM/VP8 in 720×576 resolution (anamorphic 16:19). For the talks in hall 1 we additionally …

Project C.H.A.O.S.: Thank you for participating


Some days before congress we asked you to create videos of your home hackerspace/community. Those videos were then shown during longer breaks on stage and sometimes also appeared in the streams. A big THANK YOU for all the people who did a great job on such a short notice to show us their world and how diverse the hackerspace movement really is.

Because the videos we’re shown randomly and without prior notification, there is a big chance, that you did not see all the awesome Videos, that have been created for project C.H.A.O.S. That’s the reason, why we want to showcase them here. For privacy …

Photography at the 30c3: Watch where you’re shooting!


TL;DR: Ask everyone who you can see in your lens for their permission before taking a picture or video! If someone asks you to delete a photo they might be in, or put away your camera, please do so!

Each congress is a huge social event, a great time many people want to remember and share with their friends. Thanks to smartphones and social media, photography in public places increases year after year.

Some of you in attendance may be very accustomed to environments where taking pictures and videos in public areas is common place. The 30C3 is not one of those places. For a variety of reasons, …

Organize your own content!


There was a time when we put all user-generated community-driven crowdsourced events under the label “workshops”. We said that a workshop need not be an event with hands-on and making, it’s just something that happens at a special time and place, outside of the big halls.

For the 30c3, we’ve added 3 new REALLY BIG rooms (Hall D-F) in addition to the halls we used last year (Hall 13-14) just for your events. We also chose a more appropriate name for everything that is organized by you: “Self-organized Sessions“.

It doesn’t matter whether you want to give an introduction into your favorite …

Everything alright with your preorder?


Is your preorder not marked as paid, but you transferred the money last week or earlier? Mail us right now and be sure to provide transaction metadata (name of account holder, account number, sort code). We may not be able to help you with your failed preorder on site, so please make sure you have your tickets before going to the cash desk (or be prepared to buy a ticket on site).

If you’re planning to buy a congress ticket on site, please make sure you bring enough cash as we cannot accept any other kind of payment.

Can’t be in Hamburg? Try Congress Everywhere!

Can’t be in Hamburg? Try Congress Everywhere!


TL;DR: Please set up a congress everywhere near you, invite your neighbors and take part in C.H.A.O.S.!

Remember when we met in Berlin at the bcc? The 25C3 was when we first stuck those pesky signs on the door that read “Sold out, we’re sorry”. The building was already incredibly packed and we couldn’t let anyone in anymore. This inspired the concept of “congress everywhere” which debuted at the 26C3. The theme of that congress was “Here be Dragons”, so the idea to expand the fun of the congress beyond the bcc was called “Dragons everywhere”.

But what was this notion of “congress everywhere”? …

Highlights of 30C3 Art & Beauty Track and Works


“You can create art and beauty on a computer.” The quote has been derived from Steven Levy’s famous hacker ethic in his book »Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution« – published in 1984, the debut year of the Chaos Communication Congress at Bürgerhaus Eidelstedt in the Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg.

30 years later »Art & Beauty« (»Kunst und Schönheit«) – its ironic twist entirely unfolding in German language – is one of five content tracks in the conference program. You can’t overlook it in the Fahrplan –  the purple colour coding is as weird as the naming is misleading.

The particular …

Assemblies! Please arrive early for set up!


TL;DR: Please get to the CCH by 25th/26th with your assembly setup if possible

Beat the crowds and start building your assembly on the 25th! (Day -1). It makes loading so much easier for all of us and gives you time to make sure you have everything you need. Why get stuck in traffic around and inside the building? If you arrive early enough on the 25th, you may even be able to drive right into the unloading hall!

If you’re unloading a vehicle with equipment or other stuff you plan to use at the 30C3, put <a …



We of the “Chaoswelle“, the Amateur Radio operators of the Chaos Computer Club and our 30C3 assembly are bringing a very special piece of hardware: A Radome!  We plan to place it on the roof of the CCH. But we won’t tell you what’s hidden underneath.

The radome is about 4 Meters (13 ft.) in diameter and was formerly used by the US to listen to “hostile neighboring countries”. Today, it belongs to the Stakenburg Observatory who is graciously loaning it to us for the 30C3.

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