24C3: Volldampf voraus! (2007)

24C3 Sputnik Data available


The Sputnik/OpenBeacon project has been successful in making the complete collected RFID tracking data available on the web.

You can get the data file in singularized or raw form. There is also a PDF showing all reader locations to give a spatial reference for the data.


There are also some graphs with an general analysis available by Peter Meerwald.

If you want to analyze the data and or have other things to contribute, contact the OpenBeacon team …

DEMO Today 19:30h

DEMO Today 19:30h


Please join the demo against surveillance and data retention during the 24C3. It takes place today next to the rocket “fairy dust” in front of the bcc at 19:30 (7:30 pm).

Bitte kommt zur Demo gegen Überwachung und Vorratsdatenspeicherung während des 24C3. Sie findet heute um 19:30 bei der Rakete “fairy dust” vor dem bcc statt.

Hacker Jeopardy in German only? Wrong!


If this had been your question to the answer, you would have earned about -500 points for it. In fact, this year’s Hacker Jeopardy is a dual language event, but due to shortcomings in our scheduling system there is no way to reflect that kind of information. So, join us even if you don’t understand German, and be surprised by one of the funniest (or maybe the funniest) event at the Congress ever.

See you tomorrow at 23:00 in Saal 1 – and bring your DECT phone!

Call into 24C3


It is possible to call somebody at the congress by dialing:

+49 461 5056623 XXXX

All extensions can be found in the 24C3 phone book.

The lecture halls are available at the numbers 8001, 8002 and 8003.

24C3 in tags and on Twitter


If you post stuff about 24C3 in your blog, picture hosting sites or other social media, please use the tag “24C3” to properly mark it.

If you use Twitter to share tips on 24C3, please include “@24C3” in your tweet so people can track your post. You can also follow the virtual Twitter user “24C3” for some more or less official hints.

Publishing the Timetable for the 24th Chaos Communication Congress

George Bradshaw The year is 1839. The British Empire seizes Hong Kong as a base, preparing to wage war against Qing China. The world’s first commercial electric telegraph line comes into operation alongside the Great Western Railway line from Paddington station to West Drayton. And in Manchester, George Bradshaw, cartographer, printer and publisher, prepares a revolutionary publication on the recently established railways: the first ever timetable for …

Website is there!


Finally. You can there find lots of information about how to participate and what to expect. Head over to the 24C3 Website-Wiki and have a look.

As the website is a wiki you can add information and edit (most of) the text. At the last events – especially the Chaos Communication Camp – many people used the wiki to plan things, let other people know about it and find others with similar interests. Please go ahead!

Fahrplan upcoming

Fahrplan upcoming


Today was the last content meeting prior to the congress. All submissions are now decided and a lot already have been confirmed. We also prepared an initial schedule using our high-tech “paper on ground floor” method and will be tweaking it over the next days. Expect a preliminary schedule sometime soonish.

Press accreditation opens today


For journalistic coverage of 24th Chaos Communication Congress, members of the press – print media, photo, radio, TV, film and news agencies – should request accreditation. If you’d like to be included on the press list, please send your details including publication, site or station name and address, your editor’s name and details, and your circulation to 24c3-press at cccv.de. If you’re a freelancer, please provide a list and details of the publications/media you write for.

Since the law may treat bloggers as members of the press, we will do the same. Web media entities of all kinds can get …