Designrelease: 37C3 looking great!

Designrelease: 37C3 looking great!


Attention all web banner artists, flag printers, board designers and assembly decorators out there: the 37C3 design team has delivered and it’s turned out great! Browse through the design guide and breathe in the anticipation or try to figure out the rules of the design game yourself and let your notebooks, flashing lights and matte bottle holders shine in the official 37C3 design.

For 37C3, Robokid // Luis F. Masallera and Euler Void have thrown themselves into the fray and played and fiddled with the motto 37C3: Unlocked, giving us not only a beautiful logo and a visual space that …

Accessibility at 37C3

Accessibility at 37C3


To answer questions regarding Accessibility at Congress:

In short:

  • Our venue, CCH, is accessible
  • simply bring your assistants to the entrance
  • Hidden Disabilities Badges and quiet hacking at QuietQube
  • Silent Room access and more Accessibility info at Helpdesk
  • Please: wear a mask, get tested, don’t come while infectious.

CCH recently got renovated. Therefore it has good barrier-free access. For instance: a tactile guide system, captions in braille, induction loops and modern toilets. All places will be wheelchair-accessible. Including stages.

More info on accessibility at the CCH website …

37C3: Call for Art

37C3: Call for Art


tl;dr: The annual Chaos Communication Congress, taking place from 27.12. - 30.12.2023 at the CCH in Hamburg is looking for workshops, installations, performances and artists!

Congress centers and exhibition halls tend to be rather boring and dull spaces. That’s why we are looking for you to bring color, art and culture to the convention. We hereby call on you to participate artistically in the design. There is a lot of space in the congress center and we are counting on you to design it artistically!

Do you have ideas for installations, performances, workshops or other art forms that you …

37C3: Tickets & Presale

37C3: Tickets & Presale


It’s finally time: After a lot of work, we’re ready to announce the presale for this year’s Chaos Communication Congress. Read on for all the information – ticket prices, sale dates, and more minutiae than anyone would like to read:

Ticket prices

Our ticket prices this year are

  • Standard Ticket: €175
  • Supporter Ticket: starting at €200
  • Business Ticket: starting at €550
  • Up-and-coming Ticket (U18): €45 (free for children under the age of 12)
  • Member Ticket (for members of CCC e.V.): €160

As always, we’re also additionally offering Friends Tickets: People who cannot afford …

37C3 Bildungsurlaub [Stand: 2023-12-14]

37C3 Bildungsurlaub [Stand: 2023-12-14]


Auch dieses Jahr strebt der Chaos Communication Congress an, als Bildungsveranstaltung in einigen Bundesländern anerkannt zu werden. Damit sind Congress-Teilnehmer in der Lage, für die Zeit der Veranstaltung Bildungsurlaub zu beantragen, und müssen nicht ihren normalen Erholungsurlaub dafür verwenden.

Aktueller Status:

Bundesland Status
Baden-Württemberg nicht geplant
Bayern kein Freistellungsgesetz
Berlin abgelehnt
Brandenburg abgelehnt
Bremen nicht geplant
Hamburg bewilligt
Hessen bewilligt (Queranerkennung gemäß § 11 Abs. 4 HBUG)
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern abgelehnt …
Press at 37C3

Press at 37C3


The Chaos Computer Club invites you, as previously announced, to the 37th Chaos Communication Congress at the Congress Center Hamburg from 27 to 30 December under the motto “37C3: Unlocked”. We warmly welcome press from Germany and abroad and ask journalists to register for accreditation in our accreditation system.

In order to organise the process as smoothly as possible, we ask you to create a short profile in our accreditation system with the background of the reporters and their needs. The more we know about these needs, the better we can organise speakers and interview …

Azubi-Hacker*innen-Tag 37C3

Azubi-Hacker*innen-Tag 37C3


Am 29.12.2023 lädt der CCC zum ersten Azubi-Tag auf dem jährlichen Chaos Communication Congress ein.

Eingeladen sind Auszubildende, die den Congress und den CCC kennenlernen möchten. Sie erhalten ein vergünstigtes Tagesticket.

Es wird eine Einführungsveranstaltung und ein Programm für Auszubildende geben. Außerdem gibt es die Möglichkeit, als Engel (freiwillige Helfer*innen) hinter die Kulissen des Congresses zu schauen.

Die Auszubildenden können entweder eigenständig am Azubi-Tag teilnehmen oder die ausbildenden Betriebe können den Azubi-Tag als Fortbildungstag anbieten. Die Teilnahme am …

37C3 Call for Assemblies

37C3 Call for Assemblies


tl;dr: Register your assembly as soon as possible but no later than December 3rd 23:43 CET at

Each year we call on you: Come, gather, build, hack and be great! This time we are returning to our home for the 29th to 33rd Congresses: the Congress Center Hamburg. That means a little less indoor camping and more of a “hack center” feeling. In a total of 6 areas spread over 3 floors, assemblies will find places to show projects, hack together, discuss, exchange knowledge and network.

The huge exhibition halls in Leipzig gave your …

37C3 – Info Pages

37C3 – Info Pages


As with the camp, we will accompany 37C3 with our info pages where we will summarize all important information on the upcoming congress as known so far for your convenience.

You will find the info pages here: They reflect what’s currently known about 37C3 and are the recommended starting point to get an overview of all relevant information or just to refresh some specific facts. At the moment, there’s still a lot of TODOs, we will update them regularly during the next weeks.

You will also find an overview page with all important links.

We …

37C3: Have your say

37C3: Have your say


Haven’t you ever thought about becoming a 37C3 content ambassador?

When in 2019 we reached out to you with our first round of “have your say” for suggestions on how to make our congress Fahrplan the best ever, we received an overwhelming 2000 submissions ranging from exciting developments in hardware security, net politics to helpful remarks on how to better synchronize breaks between presentations.

So we want to repeat that experiment and ask you again:

  • Are there any recent developments in one of our six tracks that might be overlooked but needs to be on our radar?
  • Are …
37C3 Call for Participation

37C3 Call for Participation


The Call for Participation has started

As we announced on our website, the Call for Participation for the Congress has started. We ask you for your talks and presentations, to make this Congress the most exciting and interesting hacker event of the year. You can find the Call here, please familiarize yourself with the notes before submitting something.

According to the motto “37C3: Unlocked” we offer three stages for a total of about 100 contributions, divided into six main topics, that want to give impulses for exchange and making this world better.

The deadline for submissions is …

37C3 Presale: Modus Operandi

37C3 Presale: Modus Operandi


We’re preparing for the 37C3 presale, which will work slightly differently than in the past:

Just like in previous years, we want to make sure that the active heart of our community – the people who shape Congress – can make 37C3 awesome again. Since our events are run entirely by volunteers, this first and foremost includes our angels (volunteers) who dedicate their free time and effort to make the event possible in the first place. It also encompasses all the hackspaces and activist groups who contribute to the Chaos community both during 37C3 and throughout the year.

At the same time, …