Static:Membership Desk

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C3nav-favicon2.pngC3nav.png Infodesk and Membership Desk location

The membership desk is part of the Infodesk, which will be seated in CCL, Floor 0, MZF 3/4. Please ask there for membership services. All services related to membership in the CCC are offered, be it services for existing members or services for new members.

New members:

If you want to become a supporting member, we need some data. You will have to enter the data on a data terminal, where we use an input mask, which should remind something of the founding time of the CCC (Please don't hit the monitor!). Since the expenditure for electronic payment is too high, the first annual contribution must be paid directly in cash. Supporting members receive the club magazine Datenschleuder by mail (the old one, for paper stuff) and can attend (but not vote at) general meetings. Please note that neither supporting nor full members are entitled to vouchers or receive preferential treatment for tickets.

Existing members:

We provide the following services for existing members at the membership desk (please bring your chaos number):

  • answering questions about your membership
  • check your membership status
  • pay your membership fee (no data traces!)
  • change your address or PGP-key(s)

The opening hours are expected to be as follows:

15:00 until 21:00 on day 0,
13:00 until 23:00 on day 1 till day 3 and
13:00 until 19:00 on day 4.

The opening of the membershipdesk will be announced via

The volunteer-team for the membership desk has been formed already, as there is much work to do before the event. No new volunteers will be accepted for shifts at 36C3.

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