Static:Useful Places
NOTE: this information is outdated!
Congress will be take place in Leipzig!
This is a list of useful places near the CCH (Congress Center Hamburg) (or easy to reach by train/bus (see public transport)). It is not representative or complete.
If you need something and can't find it here ask an Angel or the Info desk, they'll be glad to help.
Also: please add to and update this list!
General: the CCH is located directly next to the Dammtor station. It is a beautiful, old train station with some shops inside. Most fast trains (ICE) going to Hamburg also stop here. So check beforehand if you can catch a train that goes directly to Dammtor.
Good info about almost everything that might be of interest is provided on this [Wikivoyage page about Hamburg][1]
Instead of a long essay on safety: You can generally move around the area of the CCH (& basically the complete city of HH) safely. There is not much crime on the streets and to give you a comparison, the city of HH is generally considered safer than other big cities such as London, Brussels or Paris. Beware of pickpockets, especially in the city centre & around Reeperbahn.
There are cash machines inside the station next door (Dammtor Bahnhof).
Post offices
There is a post/DHL shop inside the Dammtor station. It is basically a service offered by the book shop. Opened from 0700h-2200h. Template:Location/Entry/Query
Pharmacies and Healthcare
Pharmacies are closed during the night and on Sundays. There is an emergency service of pharmacies on an alternating schedule. Please contact CERT, they can find an open pharmacy for you.
Public Swimming pools
Private Transport
Public Transport
There are basically 3 ways to get around the city:
- subway (U-Bahn, blue U signs)
- suburban railway (S-Bahn, green S signs)
- bus (Bus, yellow/green H signs)
The next S-Bahn station (route S11, S21, S31) is at the Dammtor station next to the CHH. To take the subway at Stephansplatz (route U1) head in direction of the station next to the CCH, Dammtor & just follow the blue U signs to reach the subway via the bridge.
Kiosks are small convenience stores which are open long after everything else has closed for the night offering some essentials things (beer, chocolate and maybe Mate).
Other locations
Right next to the hustle and bustle of 33C3, the public tropical greenhouses (Tropengewächshäuser) are a warm and usually quiet place to escape crowds and noise. Admission is free. Open 10:00–15:45 on Sat/Sun/holidays and 09:00–15:45 on workdays. There are toilets for visitors, I think. There are no benches or chairs to sit down. — OSM: — How to get there from inside CCH: Go to the first floor. Use the southern exit towards "Planten un Blomen" park – if you face nearby Dammtor train station, the park is to your right. The tropical greenhouses are a few metres south of CCH and have only one open entrance. When in the lobby, you are for some reason not supposed to use the door to your left to start your tour; instead, you should walk up the ramp past aquariums to enter the first and largest of the five greenhouses. Each room leads to the next until you are back at the lobby.
In the Grindel Area (see Static:Food) are many shopping opportunities. Shops are open Monday to Saturday 7am to 8pm (some up to 10pm).
In the Mönckebergstrasse (starting from Hauptbahnhof) are all kinds of shopping centers and stores - from clothing to Lego Mega Store.
for a more useful address look here: