Strategien, Überwachungsskepsis in die Mitte der Gesellschaft zu tragen / Anti Surveillance Campaigning Targeted at the Masses

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Description *** Follow Up Session***

We want to follow up on the discussion about strategies to make "mainstream" people care about surveillance and privacy. (mainstream = outside of hacker community/tech bubble) Everyone is welcome to join!

Type Discussion
Kids session No
Keyword(s) social, political
Person organizing Vikvik
Language en - English
en - English
Other sessions...


Starts at 2016/12/29 18:00
Ends at 2016/12/29 19:30
Duration 90 minutes
Location Hall B
Subtitle Follow-Up Session, everyone welcome!
Starts at 2016/12/30 14:00
Ends at 2016/12/30 15:30
Duration 90 minutes
Location Hall B

We are a small group of students from Berlin who want to raise awareness of the topic of mass surveillance and privacy in the center of the society.

We think that there really is a communication problem between the tech community and the center of society. While we all know that surveillance is limiting freedom, still many people feel like its not a big deal and that they 'don't have anything to hide'.

So we have to think of better way to break down this complex topic, to make non-technical people see the relevance of it, to convince people that they should care about it.

We don`t know yet how to do that, but as a first project we created a website ( where we try to explain those issues. In this session, we want to discuss other possible strategies and how we can work together to bring this topic to the center of society.

= Notes from today`s session (structured version will follow later)======

Ideas and input from the session:

Target groups - approaching people beyond 60 (health issues, personal experiences)

- disturbance instead of fear (Piratenpartei) --> raises awareness

- anger

- what makes people change their behavior? - privacy is not just about finding out about illegal things, but also things you don`t want everyone to know (like being asked which union you are in or if you`re pregnant in an interview) - how to tell people that the person who has all the information from social media etc. about you could be everyone (like your neighbour, friends etc working for Facebook etc) - anonomity makes people feel free (like "the state", database etc.)

- how does it affect priests and journalists? - "your country wants to watch you" on homepages --> media coverage! - Stasi comparison (Spotify etc) - does anyone you know have something to hide? - more tangible, concrete examples (based on what has already happened) - self-censorship in China happening right now - lets not create more fear - emotional approach: make people experience how surveillance feels, not convince them with arguments, but also not with fear - build empathy - helplessness (what can you practically do, how can we empower people to feel like they can do?) - people also hide between helplessness ("I don`t have a choice"), people are responsible for themselves, there are alternatives

- personal stories (imagine pychologists not keeping information private, recommending) - in what society do you want to live? - collect the people where they are, not using "the one story", but relate to the peoples life when thinking of giving examples, raise the questions first - which stories did you want to hide when you were a child? imagine yourself back then - focus on companies: what`s their interest in your information? Why do companies not build decentralized software? - motivation: fear & feeling of power to improve the current situation, focus on the whole system, not only individual persons - make gathered information visible to people, enter your name --> summary of life from a social network perspective & interprete it, what problems could that have in other countries? (Game "Watchdog" --> big data analysis) - modify Watchdog and using it for customization --> making big data visible - automated systems (apps, videos) - not lose political perspective and don` t become "the bad guy/hacker" , companies as second level that will follow automatically, build market for privacy-orientation first - differentation between state and corporate surveillance: corporate surveillance is in a way deliberate, while state surveillance is not, possibility of abusing information by real people - change politics - "do not" documentation by zdf neo - we need better solutions to save privacy, currently the (technically) best solutions are Facebook & co - Deutschlandfunk report on CCC, efforts German police made to get names to faces on surveillance cameras (bad guys getting could because of surveillance cameras --> positive effects of surveillance) - climate change: everyone knows about it, but hardly anyone is doing anything against it --> we need a better alternative, not more fear stories, e.g. cctv: as long as we don`t have a better alternative, nothing will change) - get reaction by negative things, but then go on with positive (alternative) - "selber denken: eine Anleitung zum Widerstand" - what`s gonna happen if there are no cars on the street? --> positive alternatives - "social media optimalization": be friends with this guy to get a better health insurance etc. - what makes people stick to Facebook?

- categorization of surveillance and which approaches could be used for the individual kinds of surveillance (state & corporate) and consequences they have

- consquences of corporate surveillance are much more immediate, affects more people - data gathered by companies can also be accessed by the government --> no separation

- we need user-friendly, easy tools - how to motivate people to think of the consequences (longterm), maybe using fear as a strategy - example of using fear: shock pictures on cigarettes - same core of problem with both state and corporate surveillance, making people aware of how information about them could fire back - what does my smartphone know about me? what consequences would it have, if this information would be public (employer etc) - let`s show more empathy and see everyone`s story and fears, some people have worse problems than privacy - state has the right to act out of information they gather about us, Facebook doesn`t - confusion with different recommendations from IT people --> we should create one solution

- concentrate on schools, show alternatives before they become "normal", educate teachers - convince celebrities to make statements against mass surveillance - need for critical mass for using alternative tools - better alternatives are not easy to find - what can be derived from gathered information? - let`s use alternatives that don`t require a critical mass (like OpenStreetMap) - "my car know where I live"

- let`s put more focus on educating the people, tell your friends why it`s worth to protect the privacy even if the less fancy tools are less convienient, let`s use our "power" of being seen as professionals by friends

web and reading recommendations: - - corporate surveillance talk on CCC: "Networks of control" by Wolfie Christl


Our E-mail address: website:

==================Notes from follow up session:==========================

Anti-surveillance campaigning

Visualisierung: - Daten von Malte Spitz (Zeit Online Artikel) & welche Schlüsse lassen sich daraus ziehen - Andrej Holm (näheres auf dem Blog seiner Partnerin Anne Roth) - ( - was kann man anhand deiner Facebook-Likes über deine Persönlichkeit sagen? - "Stammtisch-Fibel"

- was wollen wir erreichen? --> Verhaltensänderung - Problematik: Trade-Off zwischen Bequemlichkeit & Privatssphäre - reicht nur Aufklärung aus um eine Verhaltensänderung zu bewirken?

- was soll sich konkret ändern? - Bundestagsabgeordneten schreiben -

Persönliche Ebene - Aufbau der Geschichten: wie werden welche Daten erhoben & welcher persönliche Betroffenheit resultiert daraus? - Geschichten zu "top ten apps" - was würde passieren, wenn Informationen die einzelner Kreise (Partner, Freundeskreis, Verwandte) in den Händen einer Person wären? - gegenüber welchen konkreten Person wollen wir unsere Geheimnisse wahren? - aber: "ist mir doch egal, ob der Staat das weiß und er wird es nicht meiner Mutter erzählen" - bisher: Gründe, wieso Privatssphäre wichtig ist sind noch nicht in die breite Masse gelangt - Personifizieren - Facebook-Profile ausdrucken und öffentlich aufhängen - personifizierte App - Quiz: "Leuten die dir ähnlich sind ist das passiert" --> Verweis auf Fälle wie

- "Offline auf Zeit"-App als erster Schritt zur Verhaltensänderung

Was bisher geschah (und nicht die gewünschten Effekte hatte): - Cryptoparties, Aktionen, Aufklärungsarbeit, Demos - gescheitert an Praxis (Informationen fehlen wenn Whatsapp fehlt)

- was gefehlt hat: es gab keine vernetzten Aktionen, mangelnde Kommunikation - mangelnde "Coolness" & Lifestylefaktor - fehlende Community & Spaß - Vernetzung mit anderen (technikfremden) NGO`s - Gruppen & Schulen statt Individuen ansprechen - Alterativen zu Whatsapp, Dropbox etc an Schulen - "Verband kritischer Informatiklehrer*innen" - Leute an die Hand nehmen statt mehr Inhalt schaffen - wir brauchen eine Gesellschaft, die ein Problem mit Überwachung etc. hat /sich betroffen fühlt

- wie können wir "Vorbilder" dazu bringen, das Thema zu vertreten?

- Mailingliste - fosterfork - Wiki - Etherpad - Mumble - Online-Projektplanungssysteme (evtl Kolab)