Time to SAFE the Internet

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Description The internet is broken. More deeply broken than what TOR, GPG and DNSsec can fix. We need to fix the underlying infrastructure. We need to fix how we understand and handle data and metadata alike. And we know how, we know what to do - decentralise, encrypt, with obfuscated routing. This is a call to arms: Let's build the Internet (infrastructure) as we were promised in the 90th!
Slides https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2XOlHPLYVWGcm0zbUR1NmRfbmM
Website(s) http://www.safedev.org
Tags decentralisation, infrastructure, internet, crypto, privacy
Person organizing Gnunicorn
Contact: benjamin.kampmann@gmail.com
Language en - English
en - English
Duration 5
Desired session Day 2
Desired timeframe middle
