Orwell's law

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Description An amendment to secret service law is coming to the second hearing in Czech Parliament. We call the law Orwell's law, because it reminds us of 1984. We would like to spread the word about this and hopefully get some people to sign it and/or write articles about it, and maybe then we can change it to be more acceptable.
Slides https://www.safar.sk/orwell.pdf
Website(s) https://dbas.cz/33c3
Tags law, civil rights, mass surveillance
Person organizing Zlo
Contact: stefan@safar.sk
Language en - English
en - English
Duration 5
Desired session Day 4
Desired timeframe middle


An amendment to secret service law is coming to the second hearing in Czech Parliament. We call the law Orwell's law, because it reminds us of 1984. We would like to spread the word about this and hopefully get some people to sign it and/or write articles about it, and maybe then we can change it to be more acceptable.