Hacking medical tech development

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Description In November 2016 Copernicus Science Centre, the biggest science centre in Poland, organized a hackathon unlike most others; the idea was to devise a solution to a very specialized medical problem, the target group of participants was composed mainly of makers and product designers, and the goal was to bridge the gap between academic research and the unrestrained creative spirit of the general public. I was an advisor to the organizers, concerned mainly with keeping all involved parties happy with the design process. The results were far above anybody's expectations and pushed us to make more events in the same vein. Come to the talk to hear how it went and what we want to do next.
Slides (TBA by Dec 15th)
Tags medical, tech, public, research, academia
Person organizing
Contact: hello@riverpeople.pl
Language en - English
en - English
Duration 5
Desired session Day 2
Desired timeframe begin
