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Website https://www.winhistory-forum.net/
Contact DosAmp (dosamp@jabber.ccc.de, ICQ #585339668); #winhistory on the Rizon IRC network
Description We are the community behind winhistory.de and the associated forum, which has been involved in historical operating systems and running Microsoft software on the smallest amount of resources possible.
Members CHRiSNEW, ConiKost, DosAmp, Gandro, Gruetzkopf, Qsx, Tk1908, Wynton
Projects create project
Self-organized Sessions create self-organized session
Related to Assembly Luxeria, Cccac
Tags os archaelogy, retro, community
Registered on 27 November 2016 16:21:38
Location for self-organized sessions no
Other assemblies by tags...
Note: The location on the map does not represent a reservation of a location and might not represent the actual place, where a assembly can be found. The place can be changed within the form of the assembly by anyone. It will be updated by the assembly itself on day 0 or day 1 as soon as the actual location is known.
Orga contact bilderschleuder@gmail.com
Brings Nixdorf 8810/25 PC02 Portable

Libretto 110CT

Uses money no money handling
Plays TING no
Plays TING skills {{{Plays ting skills}}}
Character of assembly just a gathering space
Seats needed 6
Extra seats 0
Assembly specification loud place ok
Planning notes
past congress review WHF has gathered as a community at the congress for the last 5 years, constituting as an assembly since the 29C3. Usually, we do well with a table and a network uplink. This time, we might need a little bit of expansion for the retro hardware brought.


Besides the retro PCs brought, we're planning on providing access to virtualized retro OSes via VNC.