Jugend hackt

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Website https://www.jugendhackt.org
Contact Maria Reimer, Daniel Seitz, Paula Glaser, Robert Alisch


Description Everybody from the Jugend hackt family is welcome at our assembly: participants, mentors or helpers. Of course, you can also drop by, if you are interested in our programm and want to know more :)
Members Alcofribas, André, Barbara blobfisch, Berkay, Broetchen, Guysbert, Happydrake, Jasle, Jeriox, Jst, Juka, Luryel, Maxdalena, Milletimisev, Mondanzo, Noniq, Pajowu, Rinhia, Sondala, Stk, Vidister
Projects create project
Self-organized Sessions Calliope Workshop, Coder Dojo, CoderDojo, Einstieg in App-Programmierung und Scratch (für Kids)
Related to Assembly Chaospatinnen, Open Knowledge Assembly
Tags jugend, jugendhackt, okf, junghackertag
Registered on 24 November 2016 14:36:52
Location for self-organized sessions maybe
Self-organized session notes Workshops at Junghackertag
Other assemblies by tags...
Note: The location on the map does not represent a reservation of a location and might not represent the actual place, where a assembly can be found. The place can be changed within the form of the assembly by anyone. It will be updated by the assembly itself on day 0 or day 1 as soon as the actual location is known.
Orga contact paula.glaser@okfn.de
Brings Decoration, some Hardware to tinker, comfortable seats, multiple plugs, 4 soldering stations
Projects https://www.jugendhackt.org/projects
Uses money no money handling
Plays TING no
Plays TING skills {{{Plays ting skills}}}
Character of assembly place to show and meet
Seats needed 45
Extra seats 10
Assembly specification want quiet place, want sit public, want low light
Planning notes A bigger space maybe embedded in the kids space on floor 3 or 4 (I'm not quite sure where it was last year) would be very nice.
past congress review Last years Jugend hackt / OKF Assembly was nice but way too crowded. And although the spot was good (next to Chaospatinnen) it was a bit too tiny and too much frequented. If a more comfy space for our young coders is possible, that would be nice. Maybe in combination with the kids space.


Jugend hackt is a program designed to promote young coders. The Open Knowledge Foundation Deutschland e.V. and mediale pfade started to organize Jugend hackt in 2013. Since then it has become a successful and well-established hackathon and community for young coders from all over Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

“To code a better world” - that is the slogan of Jugend hackt. Together with like-minded peers, its participants use Open Data to work on prototypes, digital tools, and concepts in order to contribute to their vision for a better society. Volunteer mentors with technical expertise guide them through this process. It is the goal of Jugend hackt to empower young coders in their technical skills, show them creative and political opportunities to apply these skills and thereby foster experiences of self-efficacy.

Quite a big number of our young participants also come to 33C3. With the Jugend hackt assembly we want to create a space to hang out, chill, reconnect, tinker and code. We also want to organize a few sessions at the assembly during Jundhackertag. Everybody from the Jugend hackt family is welcome here: participants, mentors or helpers. Of course, you can also drop by, if you are interested in our programm and want to know more :)