Goldsmithing 101 by SawuGo

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Contact Daan Uttien

+31 6 14409398

Description Goldsmithing workshop, teaching art and metalworkingskills, make happy people! As seen on Maker Faires, Hackerspaces and summer hacker camps.

unfairly stopped by the "33C3 serious business" team (core-orga) goldsmithing during congress will now be done in Amsterdam (either at Techinc hackerspace, or at my workshop), all are invited to join (anytime), contact me for details.

Members SawuGo, Sproet
Projects create project
There Is No Game Tinglogo.png
Self-organized Sessions Goldsmithing 101 by SawuGo
Subassembly of HardwareHackingArea
Tags goldsmithing, art, make, skills, learning, metal, metalworking, makerspace
Registered on 1 December 2016 16:58:05
Location for self-organized sessions yes
Self-organized session notes goldmsithing 101, anytime, depending on location in congress
Other assemblies by tags...
Note: The location on the map does not represent a reservation of a location and might not represent the actual place, where a assembly can be found. The place can be changed within the form of the assembly by anyone. It will be updated by the assembly itself on day 0 or day 1 as soon as the actual location is known.
Orga contact
Brings mobile goldsmithingworkshop, tools, materials, tables, everything
Projects jewellery, art, education
Uses money yes we handle money
Plays TING yes
Plays TING skills {{{Plays ting skills}}}
Character of assembly place to show and meet
Seats needed 2
Extra seats 8
Assembly specification loud place ok, want loud place, want bright light
Planning notes will bring worklights and powercables, we may make some sounds during daytime, depending on what we are making, we would like a workshoproom (5x5 or similar):)
past congress review last year drama was not fun, we hope to have better communication and more openess/willingness of orga to make us happen, we get lots of questions and requests for us being at congress again.


FORGE YOUR OWN SILVER JEWELLERY, unfairly stopped by the "33C3 serious business" team (core-orga)

unfortunately just like last year, a small group of orga has decided that goldsmithing, teaching, sharing withour friends is not allowed during congress. reasons, not to allow me doing what I love, have gone from, no space, not hacky enough, 'rings are a wrong symbol',noisy, annoying, dangerous, and also being 'commercial'... in a reply to my assemblysetup orga has sent me a mean email basicly not allowing me to do any kind of workshop. I have invited the orga to have an open discussion about all, but for now, after two emails of my side they have played the 'harrasment'card and told me to stop communicating... I invite anyone to contact me to openly and fairly talk this over.

goldsmithing during congress will now be done in Amsterdam (either at Techinc, or at my workshop), all are invited to join (anytime), contact me for details.

Goldsmiths and Makers Daan and Emmy will bring the tools, toys, silver and will teach you the different techniques to forge your own unique silver ring, bracelet or fibula brooch. You’ll learn how to measure, precision sawing, bending and aligning solder, hammer, file, sand, polish,… so you can truly create your own piece of jewellery. Prior knowledge is not required. Anyone, from age 10, can participate in the workshop. Drop in all day daytime; it will take you about 2 hours. Depending on your technique, could be quicker or slower. Thinner silver for kids which is quicker; about an hour. So, come join, have fun with us and skill up! You don’t need to bring anything and you'll leave with your own one-of-a-kind piece of jewellery.