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Contact DECT: 7467

padeluun: Rena Tangens:

Description The booth of Digitalcourage with Shop, Lichtbildausweis (Identity Card) and "Speakers Sofa".
Members Chpietsch, Reticuleena
Projects Digitale Selbstverteidigung
Self-organized Sessions Speaker's Sofa: IT-Sicherheit, Speaker's Sofa: Kauft Euren ÖPNV, Speaker's Sofa: Terrorbekämpfung, Speakers's Sofa: True Story of a native Turk in time of censorship
Tags anonymity, community, culture, freedom of communication, digital rights, freedom of expression, fundamental rights, privacy, surveillance, bielefeld
Registered on 15 November 2016 15:47:41
Location for self-organized sessions yes
Self-organized session notes Speakers Sofa is an open stage. The topics of the sessions are yet to be announced.
Other assemblies by tags...
Note: The location on the map does not represent a reservation of a location and might not represent the actual place, where a assembly can be found. The place can be changed within the form of the assembly by anyone. It will be updated by the assembly itself on day 0 or day 1 as soon as the actual location is known.
Orga contact
Brings We bring all the stuff from our shop, the kraken, a stage for speakers sofa, Lichtbildausweis, light.
Projects Lichtbildausweis

Buttons Speakers Sofa

Uses money yes we handle money
Plays TING no
Plays TING skills {{{Plays ting skills}}}
Character of assembly place to show and meet
Seats needed 0
Extra seats 0
Assembly specification want sit public
Planning notes As far as we know, there is already a space dedicated for Digitalcourage. Please check before dedicating another spot ;)
past congress review We were quite happy with our last space within the food-area. Many people stated, that our booth made this part of the congress more interesting and helped a lot with the atmosphere. We want to continue this and bring some content into the otherwise boring food-area.


Digitalcourage Wie immer haben wir einen Stand auf dem C3. Hier gibt es unseren Shop für Unterstützungsbedarf mit nützlichen Gadgets rund um den Datenschutz, wie Kamerastoppern fürs Smartphone oder RFID-abschirmende Passhüllen. Außerdem gibt es verschiedene T-Shirts, Buttons, Aufkleber, Postkarten und einen Lichtbildausweis mit selbst gewählten Daten. Auf Speakers Sofa könnt ihr das Wort ergreifen.

Digitalcourage engagiert sich seit 1987 für Grundrechte, Datenschutz und eine lebenswerte Welt im digitalen Zeitalter. Wir sind technikaffin, doch wir wehren uns dagegen, dass unsere Demokratie „verdatet und verkauft“ wird. Wir klären auf und mischen uns in Politik ein. Seit 2000 verleihen wir jährlich die BigBrotherAwards. Digitalcourage ist gemeinnützig, finanziert sich durch private Spenden und lebt durch die Arbeit vieler Freiwilliger.

Digitalcourage As always we have a booth at C3. Here you can find our shop with useful gadgets for privacy, like a stop-sticker for your smartphone camera or RFID-save wallets. In addition we have t-shirts, badgets, stickers, postcards and an ID card with content of your choice. At speakers sofa you can rise to speak.

Digitalcourage – known until November 2012 as FoeBuD (Verein zur Förderung des öffentlichen bewegten und unbewegten Datenverkehrs) – is a German privacy and digital rights organisation. Under the motif of preserving "a world worth living in the digital age", Digitalcourage campaigns for civil and human rights, consumer protection, privacy, freedom of information and related issues. The group has links with organisations such as the German Working Group against Data Retention (Arbeitskreis Vorratsdatenspeicherung) and the Chaos Computer Club, and it is a member of the umbrella organisation European Digital Rights.