Description Assignment-Meeting for the Video-Mixer-Angels of the following day. Please have a look at the event description for more information
Type Meeting
Kids session No
Tags VOC, Video
Person organizing Andi, V0tti, Jwacalex
Language en - English
en - English
Other sessions...
Subtitle Assignment-Meeting for Day 1
Starts at 2015/12/26 22:00
Ends at 2015/12/26 23:00
Duration 60 minutes
Location Hall C.1
Subtitle Assignment-Meeting for Day 2
Starts at 2015/12/27 13:00
Ends at 2015/12/27 15:00
Duration 120 minutes
Location Hall C.1
Subtitle Assignment-Meeting for Day 3
Starts at 2015/12/28 13:00
Ends at 2015/12/28 15:00
Duration 120 minutes
Location Hall C.1
Subtitle Assignment-Meeting for Day 4
Starts at 2015/12/29 13:00
Ends at 2015/12/29 15:00
Duration 120 minutes
Location Hall C.1

We have announced the fact that the Video-Mixing shifts will be assigned during a meeting at the Engelsystem and have successfully practiced this at the cccamp15. At this meeting you can choose between 50 possible shifts (maybe a bit less because there are some constraints). Each day there are more and less interesting talks which have to be distributed among all angels, but luckily everyone has different preferences.

At this meeting there will first be a short review of the last day (what was good/what can be improved/q&a) and then you can sign up for a shift. Bidding and/or Discussion about who will take what shift might take too long. If you know your preferences before this meeting there will be a huge speedup :).

If you want to take a shift, go to our pad and write your nick next to the shift you are interested in: . By adding your nickname there everyone can see which shifts are taken and which are free. The final assignment in the Engelsystem will be made during the meeting, however.

I'm not sure what shift I should take

This is not an easy question because being a mixer angel will bring some responsibility for you: You have to cut the video and coordinate two camera angels. If you are too interested in following the talk, maybe you forget to cut the video or tell someone how to shoot their camera. But if you are too bored and this will result in taking a nap you have the same problem. (Disclaimer: This question is here because I (=jwacalex) have asked this myself at the first time and this is my personal opinion)

The shift I want to take is already taken

The final assignment will be set at the meeting, if too many of you are really interested in taking a shift, we can talk about this at the meeting. There are several options: Maybe someone wants to join this shift as trainee? Maybe someone is unable to take this shift because of reaons? If there is no mutual agreement there is still the possibility to throw a die. (Be excellent to each other and do not delete someone out of the pad)

If you have any questions regarding this meeting, please contact jwacalex (dect: 5523)

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