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The heaven is the home of the angels. It is located in Room(s) ??? (TBA) and provides the angels a place to stay. In heaven you'll find coffee, tea, and sometimes food as well as nice people to chat and hack with.

In addition you will find a hackcenter, a place were you can leave your personal belonings (at your own risk) as well as some couches and maybe a beamer in the lounge area of the heaven, to chill and to watch talks.

Please contribute yourself to make the heaven a nice place!
Bring lights and other decoration items!

(please Contact the orga or the arch angels if you could bring some heavy stuff for this)

Angel Meetings will be at: (table will come)

If you want to join the angels and like to take some of the available shifts, please register yourself at the Engelsystem and join the nice team of helpful hands that make the congress happen.