Food and drinks
[hide]Food in Hamburg
Foodwise Hamburg is not much different from what you remember from last years. We have a big choice of Foodstyles, both German and international, covering all your demands.
There are several Hotspots for getting food. Especially the Grindel-Viertel around the Campus of Hamburg University and the Sternschanze. Another option is the Reeperbahn district, with a lot of food parlors that are open 24 hours every day.
If you have some more useful information, please add it to this page!
Special Dietary Constraints
If you have special medical, ethical or religious rules or limitations we provide you with some Locations:
- I've found Happy Cow to be a good place to find Vegetarian and Vegan restaurants.
- The best Falafels around this area you get in the Falafelstern next to the station Sternschanze, which is one station by S-Bahn in the direction of Altona.
- Also quite good are the burritos at Jim Burrito - five minutes walk from S-Bahn Sternschanze.
- You can get vegan Pizza (with so-called 'Käseersatz' = cheese replacement) at Slim Jims, also not too far from S-Bahn Sternschanze (or U-Bahn Feldstraße).
Local Specialties
If you want some real Hamburgian specialties, you should definitely try "Labskaus" and "Aalsuppe" the pinnacle of Hamburgian Cuisine.
If you prefer a sweet snack, you should try a "Franzbrötchen" (pastry with butter, sugar and cinnamon). You will find it at every bakery.
Lots of Restaurants and Bars are within walking distance of the venue.
Basic Food & Drink
can be acquired in the Dammtor Station. (McDonald's, Pizza, Kebab, Bakery, Asia, Coffee), closing 10 or 11 pm.
- A tip from a local are the "Dinkelseelen" oder "Müslistangen" from a little backery called "Effenberger" in the basement of Dammtorstation. You reach it from outside by walking between the bridge and the building.
Food overnight
There is a corner not far away where you can get food (mostly meat, but also some vegetarian) the whole night, it is around Sternstrasse, that is next to Schanzenstrasse (see below).
Opposite of the CCH (tunnel under the station, turn left,follow "Edmund-Siemers-Allee", then "Grindelallee") is the old jewish center of Hamburg, the "Grindel" area with the University and restaurants ranging from traditional German to Pakistani, Italian, vegan, halal, kosher and much more. Walking distance: ca. 1 kilometer)
The "Schanze" is a hip place with lots of small bars and more Kebapshops and restaurants of all kind and regions of the world.
Public Transport: From Dammtor by Tram S31 to Sternschanze or walk through the park Planten un Bloomen next to the CCH (about 2 kilometers)
Since 2014 there is a Dunkin Donuts in Dammtor Station. Furthermore, there are monkeyDonuts at the following locations:
- Gertrudenkirchhof 10
- Grindelallee 129
Where to find Mate in Hamburg?
Real "yerba" mate can be found at South American speciality shops for a very low price, including the usual ethinc brands (Rosa Monte, Cruz de Malta, etc.) for about 5-12€ per kilogram.
For a much higher price you can get small bags of mate at most health food stores (in German "Bioladen" or "Reformhaus"), for example the Guayaki brand. These also have some probability of being organic/bio.
The commercialized soda beverage "Club Mate" is very well distributed in Germany. It is usually offered by every shop that has the usual selection of beverages. Sometimes even gas stations and other small shops. There is even a local brew! See Mate for more details.