ATtami - bake a cheap DEV board

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Description assemble an ATtiny85 based DEV board. its made to be cheap (BOM at ~1Euro) but capable. no soldering - its baked!
Type Workshop
Kids session No
Keyword(s) hardware
Tags Hardware Hacking Area, smd
Processing assembly TAMI
Person organizing Shekel
Language en - English
en - English
Other sessions...


Starts at
Ends at 2021/07/06 10:32
Duration 90 minutes
Location TAMI

for TAMIs 3rd year at the congress - we are bringingsomething special.
our 1€ ATtiny based Dev board- the ATtami
there will not be a formal/frontl workshop but rather a rolling sweatshop.
whenever there is someone at the assembly with a chef hat on - that person can help you bake your board.

note: this is a developer board we are making, so it doesn't DO much out of the box.
you will need to know AVR-GCC or you can use a HEX bootloader we can flash to turn it into a tiny ARSduino
no worries, we will help you blink it, at least

regarding cost, the BOM is on the wiki page above, we'll try to make at as cheap as possible.
but due to the transportation fee to get to CCC and the fact we (and you) want to continue and run an independent hackerspace
we'll probably charge a few extra euros. more to come.