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Description This assembly is by and for people developing on and for Ethereum (, the future of the decentralized web! :-)

Come by and say hello!

Members Fortyfoxes, Ksenya, Step21
Projects create project
Self-organized Sessions create self-organized session
Related to assembly Bitcoin-Sofa, Chaostal, CryptoParty, Utopia
Tags crypto, blockchain, ethereum, bitcoin, decentralization
Registered on 11 November 2014 15:52:29
Location for self-organized sessions yes
Self-organized session notes Due to space, time and personnel constraints, there will now only be ad-hoc sessions.

Just come by Ethereum or ChaosWest and ask for step21. Selected members of ethdev Berlin will also be around to ask question and hack on stuff.

Possible topics:

- Intro to Ethereum - Getting set up / how to connect to testnet and check your Ether Balance / Write a first Contract (with cpp-ethereum) - Brief Introduction to solidity - Get to know the future language for writing contracts - Discussion: Crypto law and decentralized (legal) institutions - What do we know and where go from here? // Use cases for private and public institutions // Academic state of the art. - Thinking Utopia - We discuss our and your favourite idea related to the promises of ethereum specifically and decentralization in general.

Always: Hacking on your and our favourite projects, answering questions, brainstorming.

Other assemblies by tags...
Location ,
Orga contact
Brings - laptops, code, maybe some swag.
Seats needed 10
Extra seats 10
Assembly specification 1. All we want is some space for our group in the hackcenter., 2. We'd like to come together with a lot of people, a spot with lot's of people passing by and good visibility would be nice., 3. We need something special or in between those options: Please specify in the field planning notes.
Planning notes Corner would be great for hacking/coding, though some visibility can't hurt either :) At least 5 seats would be great, there might be a lot more interest, I guess that depends/is hard to predict. Good electricity fpr session participants and cable network access (switch) would be great for a private testnet or connecting to the public testnet.


This assembly is by and for people developing on and for Ethereum (, the future of the decentralized web! :-) Come by and say hello! We will try to offer discussions and session for newcomers / interested people as well as developers and more advanced users. Topics will range from introductory to Dapp development and sessions about legal and economic topics.