The membership desk will be seated in an office space inside the Infodesk. Please ask at the Infodesk for membership services. Services provided are all things around the membership in the CCC. You can:

  • check your membership status
  • pay your membership fee
  • change your address
  • apply for membership

If you apply for membership you have to fill in an application for membership. The admission fee is 10 Euros and you have to pay the membership fee for the first year, which is 72 Euros normal or 36 Euros reduced (for pupils and students, please bring a document to prove this). Payments will only accepted in cash.

If you are already member, please bring your chaos number. Opening hours will be approx. 14:00 until 22:00 on day 1 and 2 , 14:00 until 19:00 on day 3 and 14:00 until 18:00 on day 4. The opening of the membershipdesk will be announced via

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