Contact miga
Description Bioinformatics and nanoscale biology on CCC!
Members Miga
Projects create project
Self-organized Sessions create self-organized session
Registered on 5 December 2013 15:49:46
Location for self-organized sessions no
Self-organized session notes hPDB hacking session

BioPython session BioRuby session

Other assemblies...
Orga contact
Brings Laptops and source code for BioHaskell. BioPythoners, and BioRubyers are also welcome!
Seats needed 4
Extra seats 6
Assembly specification 1. All we want is some space for our group in the hackcenter., 2. We'd like to come together with a lot of people, a spot with lot's of people passing by and good visibility would be nice.
Planning notes

We plan to make a short Hackathon for BioHaskell, and BioPython.

We also will discuss future opportunities in tissue 3D printing etc.

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