Once-the.rockets/are-up..who/cares-where.they/come-down.That's N.O-T/MY-D/E.PA/R.T-ME-N/T. 2.9-C/3 Semantic search [Edit query]| Show embed codeHide embed codeTo embed this query inline into a wiki page use the code below.{{#ask:[[Category:Person]] [[Country::Germany]] |?# |?Member of |?Continent |?Country |?City of home |format=broadtable |offset=50 }} Previous Results 51 – 100 Next (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500) Member of Continent Country City of home Dante Germany MUC Dd Europe Germany Hamburg Deelkar Europe Germany Bremen DelphiN K4CG Germany Fürth Denschub Europe Germany Stuttgart Der picknicker Europe Germany Braunschweig DerGuteMoritz Germany Dercorn Europe Germany Erlangen Derfranklange Germany Essen Dj-spock CCCFFM Europe Germany Frankfurt Dome Europe Germany Mannheim DooMMasteR Stratum 0 e.V. Europe Germany Braunschweig Drblinken Germany Berlin Drcping C-baseHackerspace Seoul Germany Berlin Elmar Europe Germany Bonn Endres /dev/tal Europe Germany Wuppertal Exe Europe Germany FNX Europe Germany Traunstein Falk Europe Germany Bardowick Felix Germany Hamburg Feuerjinn Europe Germany Nuremberg Fightling Europe Germany Berlin Florz Chaostreff Chemnitz Europe Germany Chemnitz Flynn Europe Germany Munich Force4 C4 Europe Germany Düsseldorf Fotoniker Germany FrankS Europe Germany Hamburg Freak Europe Germany Kiel FreshNfunky Europe Germany Munich Fritz Embassy of Nerdistan Europe Germany Bremen Fukami Germany Hamburg G2d1 Europe Germany Bonn Gammlaa Die foobar Europe Germany Essen Gedsic Europe Germany Oldenburg Gnomus Europe Germany Hamburg Gooze Europe Germany Dresden Gordey Germany Stuttgart Grothoff Europe Germany Munich Guido Leitstelle511 Europe Germany Hannover HaggisMcMutton Die foobar Europe Germany Essen Hakunamenta C3D2 HQ Europe Germany Dresden Halfur Toppoint Europe Germany Hansenerd Chaos Computer Club Hamburg Europe Germany Hamburg Hanser Germany Hamburg Happy Europe Germany Stuttgart Hauro Die foobar Europe Germany Essen Hds Europe Germany Hamburg Hdz ShackspaceC-base Europe Germany Stuttgart Heckpiet Europe Germany Mannheim HekMek Germany Previous Results 51 – 100 Next (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)