Once-the.rockets/are-up..who/cares-where.they/come-down.That's N.O-T/MY-D/E.PA/R.T-ME-N/T. 2.9-C/3 Berlin List of persons from Berlin Member of Continent Country City of home Abraham Germany Berlin Andrenarchy C-base Europe Germany Berlin Andy Europe Germany Berlin BAvatar Europe Berlin BenAngel C-base Germany Berlin Bisento Europe Germany Berlin Chithanh Europe Germany Berlin Christian Europe Germany Berlin Drblinken Germany Berlin Drcping C-baseHackerspace Seoul Germany Berlin F0o0 C-base Here Now Berlin Fightling Europe Germany Berlin Jadzia Berlin Jeroen De Dauw WhitespaceHackerspace BrusselsC-base Europe Germany Berlin Johl C-base Europe Germany Berlin JonWon Europe Germany Berlin Juli Europe Germany Berlin Julia Europe Germany Berlin Levampyre Germany Berlin Lydia Pintscher Europe Germany Berlin Maha Backspace Europe Germany Berlin Martl CCC München e.V.Chaos Computer Club e.V. Europe Germany Berlin Maschinentreiber C+ Eurpoe German Berlin Mvs Europe Germany Berlin Nikoba Europe Germany Berlin Notandy Eurasia Germany Berlin Novider Europe Germany Berlin Nuvec Europe Germany Berlin Plaetzchen WarpzoneC-base Europe Germany Berlin RASTA Europe Germany Berlin Schliessnase C-base Europe Germany Berlin Sefischer AFRA Europe Germany Berlin Silke Meyer Berlin Sping Europe Germany Berlin SpooXe C-base Berlin Spruce Europe Germany Berlin Stuge Europe Germany Berlin Tec Raumfahrtagentur.org Europe Germany Berlin The Bishop Hackers Lounge Europe Germany Berlin Theri Europe Germany Berlin Tim Pritlove Europe Germany Berlin Tool Europe Germany Berlin V2px C-base Europe Germany Berlin Number of entries 43