


integral domain
Weblink for assembly ccc.nullteilerfrei.de
Description: We have been around the congress for years, and we have, at times, felt that there's a large gap between hackers and the math they need. Wherever possible, we'd like to close that gap and in the remaining cases, at least we'd like to help understand why it's not that simple.
Organizational information
Orga contact ccc@nullteilerfrei.de
Area 1c
Things we bring Flipchart paper and stuff to fix them on the walls.
Local workshops/lectures yes
Planned workshop/lectures Depending on the demand, we want to offer lectures on topics of mathematics. We are 4 guys that studied math for their whole conscious lives (some of us even have a degree) and want to make this knowledge available for all the hackers. So the topics will depend on the participants.

A rough timetable:

  • Day 1, (20:30 - 21:30) Ask a mathematician anything
  • Day 2, (13:30 - 15:30) The math behind elliptic curves. And some crypto.
  • Day 3, (15:00 - 16:00) Ask a mathematician anything (possibly about elliptic curves?)
  • Day 3, (17:00 - 20:30) Using elliptic curves to factorize numbers. Like, for real. But usually not that fast.
    (you should know about elliptic curves for the last one)
Member seats 4
Lecture seats 10
Power consumption 4 laptops
Planning notes We want to give lectures on mathematics and for this, we need a place to write something down for the audience. We don't know how many people are interested, but we plan to have an audience of like 10 people for which a whiteboard whould be awesome, but a flipchart would do. Can you provide a whiteboard? If not, we either need a flipchart or a free spot of wall to pin some paper to.
Other Assemblies

We are four high-end nerds with serious code hacking tendencies, and we all majored in mathematics. Things that tickle our belt buckle are fast fourier transforms in assembler, webservers in Haskell, elliptic curve cryptography on smartphones, and a bunch of abstract math that you have never heard of.

We have been around the congress for years, and we have, at times, felt that there's a large gap between hackers and the math they need. Wherever possible, we'd like to close that gap and in the remaining cases, at least we'd like to help understand why it's not that simple.

Also, one of us is bald.

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