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Description We are going to build uranium necklaces.

In its current state it is a DIY kit with some SMD components. I provide a reflow oven as well as the other required tools. Please bring your own FINE tweezers if possible,

Type Workshop
Kids session No
Keyword(s) hardware, software, art, hacking
Tags uran, marbles, smd, soldering, necklace, schmuck
Processing village Village:LeiwandVille
Person organizing User:Overflo
Language de - German, en - English
de - German, en - English
Other sessions... ... further results

Starts at 2015/08/16 14:00
Ends at 2015/08/16 16:00
Duration 120 minutes
Location Village:LeiwandVille

We are going to build uranium necklaces.

In its current state it is a DIY kit with some SMD components.

I provide a reflow oven as well as the other required tools.

Please bring your own FINE tweezers if possible,

The kit contains:

- 1 rare uranium glass marble
- 2 3d-printed enclosure parts (white or black)
- 3 screws
- 1 acrylic lasercut piece
- 1 PCB (black, ENIG finish)
- 6 UV leds
- 1 ATTINY85 mcu
- 2 capacitors
- 1 battery holder
- 1 microbutton
- 1 meter of string