
From Camp 2011 Public Wiki

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Proposal: It would be great if some experienced climbers would come together and form a workshop like in 2007. Am willing to learn, but lacking gear. Slackliners welcome!
Organizer User:Ph1lip, ?
Contact User:Ph1lip
DateTime Day 1 / Aug 10 @ 10:00
Duration during the whole camp?
End Error: invalid time
Location The Woods

Please see 2007's wiki site:

  • Ph1lip would like to propose this workshop - brings belt, 2 biners, 60+120cm webs, some accessory cord
  • zenedikt is bringing a slackline, a bunch of ropes and other climbing and training-material
  • sance will attend. sance is bringing some slackline stuff (approximately 5 lines from 10m to 80m, some snap hook's, safety rope.. ) and climbing gear.
  • TheAnarcat has some good rock-climbing experience and can help out
The Earth
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