Crashcourse Oscilloscope and Logic Analyser

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Crashcourse Oscilloscope and Logic Analyser
In this course I would like to show you how a oszilloscope and a logic analyser is built, how they work and what they're used for.

The Goal is, that you know how to

  • correctly select the type of measurement device
  • correctly set up your device, that you see what you are interested in
  • interprete the measurement display and know how accurate it is
Organizer User:Nuess0r
Contact DECT: 8523
DateTime Day 4 / Aug 13 @ 16:30
Duration 1:30 or as long as needed
End Error: invalid time
Location H_x^2

There is also a german speaking version of this course



Description, Goals

In this course I would like to show you how a oscilloscope and a logic analyser is built, how they work and what they're used for.

The Goal is, that you know how to

  • correctly select the type of measurement device
  • correctly set up your device, that you see what you are interested in
  • interprete the measurement display and know how accurate it is



Target audience

You have worked a bit with electronics and you can handle a multimeter. Then you can learn here, what you use an oscilloscope or logic analyser for.

You have worked with an oscilloscope before but you are not happy with the results you get when you press "Auto-Set" or "Auto-Measure" and now you would like to know how to correctly use an oscilloscope (and what it does).

You have heared about a "Logic analyser" but you don't know what it's used for.


If you like to attend, please write your name to this list, so we can plan the needed space etc.:


I try to bring all material that is needed that I can show and demonstrate what I like to explain you. Perhaps also some slides to show on a projector :-)

You are very welcome to bring your own measurement devices if you bring it to the camp. This way we can share knowledge and experience about them and you can hopefully learn something how to use it better.

The Earth
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