From Camp 2011 Public Wiki
Everyone loves them - Buckballs (see: here). Nice thingies, but you can also order them a lot cheaper in China.
So lets do this for the camp.
Hard facts
* 10 Euro per package * 216 balls per package * ca. 3 mm in diameter (please note, that other, previous orders, were 5mm!) * Color: silver/gray - but not the real shiny ones..
Please note: we just got about 100 packages - so don't wait too long if you want some!
Terms of payment
* Bring cash. * Come see User:Martin and try to convince him, if you want to pay differntly
What do I get for my 10 Euro?
* the magnets * shipping from china * customs * importation taxes
Everything that won't get consumed by the stuff mentioned above will be used for the "Mehr Quadratmeter Wagen"-project of CCC Munich.
How do I get 'em?
Ask around for Martin at the fpletzvillage. I'll propably be there or somewhere around the infodesk. Or give me a call on the DECT-network: just dial NERD (6373).