Get Ready for 37C3

Get Ready for 37C3


It is the 24th December, day -2 of 37C3, and just before many of you start their journey to the Congress Center Hamburg, we have a few useful bits of information and reminders for you.


Finding information and staying up-to-date

Congress offers a lot …

37C3: Dressed to hack

37C3: Dressed to hack


It is the shibboleth among European nerds on campsites, at the Mate wholesale market and in lecture halls. It often divides the community, has often led to long queues in the past and for many hackers it’s the reliable source of clothing: The Congress Merch.

The wildest hot takes on merch in the run-up to the event usually start with “Why don’t they just …” and the answers to this are rarely obvious without having rocked such a production yourself. That’s why we want to provide a little insight into the motivations, constraints and experiences and grant a …

Meet the 37C3 "Sustainability & Climate Justice" track team

Meet the 37C3 "Sustainability & Climate Justice" track team


For several years now, the topics of climate breakdown and (un)sustainability have been addressed by the CCC, because there is no hacking on a dead planet. For example, the CCC was a core member of the first Bits & Bäume conference in 2018, and one year later in 2019 the motto of the 36C3 was ambiguously but spot on “Resource Exhaustion” with the new content track “Resilience and Sustainability” providing for relevant talks and discussions.

This paved the way for this year’s Chaos Communication Congress, one of the biggest gatherings in the hacker world, to continue pursuing the …

FireShonks is dead, long live FireShonks

FireShonks is dead, long live FireShonks


You’ve probably all heard it by now: FireShonks 2023 will not take place in its originally planned form. But: The event will still take place, just with reduced scope and produced by a smaller team.

FireShonks 2022 was a collaboration between several groups, which did not work out this time for different reasons. We, the remaining FireShonks orga, are a subset of r3s (RheinRuhrRemoteStage) and a few additional people. We regret that there has been confusion about the status of FireShonks in recent days.

In addition, we had to switch to our own infrastructure: If you are holding a talk …

37C3: Self-organized Sessions

37C3: Self-organized Sessions



  • We categorize workshops, group meetings, short presentations, etc. as Self-organized Sessions.
  • Starting now, you can create self-organized sessions and book rooms for them.
  • An overview of all self-organized sessions can be found in the Hub.
  • The registration of a self-organized session takes place in the Backoffice of the Hub.

The magic word is self-organization

You want to arrange a meeting of a group or a discussion about a specific topic? Give a workshop? Host a competition or a game? Organize something outside the building? Want to give a short talk or show a movie? Start a …

37C3 Lightning Talks

37C3 Lightning Talks



Lightning Talks?

Did you think that the thrill of sharing your ideas in front of a huge audience at a C3 was something you’d never experience? Do you work on a cool project and want to get the word out? Was your talk one of the hundreds that got rejected? Did you come up with an awesome hack that you need to share? Go ahead and enter your Lightning Talk now!

The 37C3 Lightning Talks consist of two fast paced sessions which are …

37C3: Hackertours

37C3: Hackertours


TL;DR: We have exiting tours to interesting locations in Hamburg. All details over at Hackertours!

The Hamburg team has sought out interesting locations in the city that will take you away from the catacombs of the Congress Center for a few hours, letting you experience exiting new things.

The Tours

Cap San Diego

Cap San Diego is a general cargo ship built in 1961 that still is seaworthy and offers excursions. On our tour we will see the bridge as well as the engine room. An exhibition takes us back in time to worldwide shipping before the introduction of containers. All details

Old Elbe …

37C3 pre-sale is dead, long live pre-sale!

37C3 pre-sale is dead, long live pre-sale!


TL;DR: In preparation for the upcoming 37C3 you have the opportunity to buy your favourite merch right now without having to wait in line later. The goods MUST be collected at the event in the CCH by 28 December 22:00, so only go shopping if you already have a ticket for 37C3! The pre-sale ends on 20 December.

Our 37C3 ticket pre-sale is over and we are speechless and happy about the solidarity in our community! An overwhelming amount of attendees grabbed supporter and business tickets and pushed the average price to currently well over 190 € and right into our congress piggy bank. Thanks to …

37C3: Call for Angels

37C3: Call for Angels


Greetings, galactic life form,

there is not much time left until the 37th Chaos Communication Congress starts. Like everything we do, 37C3 only works if we make it happen together. If you want to help out at 37C3, become an Angel.

Volunteering as an Angel makes it easy to take some peeks behind the scenes and to become friends with other life forms. You don’t need to decide to volunteer right now. It’s possible to start volunteering anytime.

All you have to do to become an Angel is register in the Engelsystem and then come and get your badge from Heaven at the event. In the …

I remember doing the halfnarp!

I remember doing the halfnarp!


The 37C3 content teams have been sorting, discussing, ranking, shuffling, haggling and hustling for more stage-hours and are proud to present you a preliminary look at the first 104 confirmed of around 125 accepted lectures and performances at this year’s Congress.

It’s been an exhausting process with 600 submissions in six tracks and a handful of invited presentations meaning that some tracks had to chose 1 lecture from 10 others not making it into the final Fahrplan. If you are among the ones getting a sad email, rest assured that you are in excellent company and encourage you to …

Einladung zum Junghacker:innentag auf dem 37C3

Einladung zum Junghacker:innentag auf dem 37C3


Zu unserer Freude haben sich in den letzten Jahren immer mehr Junghacker:innen auf dem Congress eingefunden. Daher bieten wir auch diesmal, wie schon in den Vorjahren, einen speziell auf Kinder und Jugendliche zugeschnittenen Junghacker:innentag an.

Am zweiten Congresstag, dem 28. Dezember, organisieren Freiwillige aus vielen Assemblies von etwa 10 bis 17 Uhr ein vielseitiges Workshop-Programm für angehende Hacker und Hackerinnen.


CC BY-SA 2.0 cchana

Wer schon immer mal löten, programmieren, einen 3D-Drucker ausprobieren, einen mathematischen Beweis führen oder selber ein Schloss ohne …

Chaosmentors at the 37C3

Chaosmentors at the 37C3


Chaosmentors will be at the 37C3! Interested Mentors and Mentees please registers HERE before the 8th of December at 23:59 o’clock.

It’s that time again - the Chaos Communication Congress is just around the corner! After a three-year break, we are back in Hamburg and, as always, we expect many new people to consider attending the Congress for the first time. Are you among them? Maybe you could use a little support to get off to a good start.

Who are the Chaosmentors for?

Are you a hacker or a member of another underrepresented group and are unsure whether you will feel comfortable at …