Static Talk:Network/802.1X client settings
From 36C3 Wiki
Network manager
For the network-manager one can add a connection priority (from 1-10) to force connection selection (e.g. if you used 36C3-inscecure, too and dont want to accidentially get connected there): just add `autoconnect-priority=10` in the first section `[connection]`.
I had to restart the network-manager service (Ubuntu 18 LTS hier):
service network-manager restart systemctl restart NetworkManager.service
for iwd creating following /var/lib/iwd/36C3.8021x does it:
[Security] EAP-Method=TTLS EAP-Identity=anonymous EAP-TTLS-CACert=/etc/ssl/certs/DST_Root_CA_X3.pem EAP-TTLS-Phase2-Method=Tunneled-PAP EAP-TTLS-Phase2-Identity=edward EAP-TTLS-Phase2-Password=snowden [Settings] AutoConnect=true
the filename is actualy relevant as it provides the networks name and basic crypto option.