Session:XMPP Operator Meetup

From 36C3 Wiki
Description A meetup for server admins of public XMPP providers
Type Discussion
Kids session No
Tags ejabberd, Prosody, xmpp, jabber, OpenFire
Processing assembly Assembly:XMPP
Person organizing Inputmice, Pep
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Starts at 2019/12/29 17:00
Ends at 2019/12/29 18:00
Duration 60 minutes
Location Room:Seminar room 13

There is a need for a general landing page for the ecosystem that addresses potential interested users. Something akin which allows people to quickly get an idea what federated chat over xmpp is like and what are trustable places to sign up for an account.

To know what server to recommend to users we first need to get a list of servers we are confident about and willing to recommend as a community. However on the basis of what does one recommend and how to establish this? We would like to start a conversation with server operators to get feedback on what such a 'quality provider' should look like.

In this session we would like to use some time to present a proposal about what we think this landing page should do and look like and what we think should be the minimum quality level for operators. The rest of the meeting we'd like to use to gather feedback and have a discussion about this. We can also use some time for general discussion/questions about operating services.

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