Static:Lightning Talks

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Lightning Talks are short lectures (almost) any congress participant may give!

Bring your infectious enthusiasm to an audience with a short attention span! Discuss a program, system or technique! Pitch your projects and ideas or try to rally a crew of people to your party or assembly! Whatever you bring, make it quick! To get an idea what Lightning Talks are about and how they work, look at last year's sessions.

Be reminded that, like in previous years, you still need a ticket for the 36C3 congress, as a Lightning Talk or registration for it as such does not provide you with a ticket.

Lightning Talk sessions are offered on Day 2, Day 3 and Day 4 of the congress.

The Day 2 and Day 3 sessions start at 11:30 and end at 13:50, with a 15 minute break from 12:35 to 12:50.

The session on Day 4 also starts at 11:30, but ends at 13:30. There will probably be a shorter break in the middle of the session to allow people to change rooms.

All sessions take place in Saal Borg.


The Lightning Talks are full! Registration is closed, as all the timeslots in the three sessions are full.

If you have any questions, please send a mail to the Lightning Talk team. We speak English and German.


This is a basic schedule with timeslots, talk title and author name. Please see this page for a detailed schedule in various formats like iCal, JSON, XML.

Schedule version: Dysprosium

Day 2 - 2019-12-28

Time Title (Language) Abstract Author
11:30 Lightning Talks Introduction Day 2 (en) A short introduction to the Lightning Talks Day 2 session gedsic
11:35 freewvs - a free web vulnerability scanner (en) freewvs is a little tool that allows to locally scan filesystems for known vulnerable web applications. Hanno Böck
11:40 Pocket Science Lab (en) PSLab is a small USB powered open hardware extension for your Android phone or PC that lets you measure all kinds of things. Marc Nause
11:45 JMAP & (en) An introduction to the JSON Meta Application Protocol, a spiritual successor to IMAP & Submission, and into one of the first clients to use it. Daniel Gultsch
11:50 Badge Magic (en) Magically Create Text and Cliparts on LED Name Badges using Bluetooth Mario Behling
11:55 PathAuditor: finding privilege escalation bugs with dynamic instrumentation (en) PathAuditor is a tool to detect file accesses in which an unprivileged user might have messed with the path. The impact can range from DoS to LPE. tsuro
12:00 Axolotl - A crossplatform signal client (en) Axoltol is a signal client written in go and vuejs. This talk is about the history of the project, difficulties and future. nanu-c/Aaron Kimmig
12:05 Congress Design on an Oscilloscope (en) How to connect JavaScript with an analoge oscilloscope quanten
12:10 Are You ready to sustain IT? (de) After decades of taking exponentially growing resources for granted, IT finally has to content with zero growth. Can you cope with that?
12:15 Free Pascal - An Open Source, Cross Platform, Object Pascal Compiler (en) This talk will provide a short overview of Free Pascal, an open source, cross platform, Object Pascal compiler. PascalDragon
12:20 Telnet-Challenge A.K.A Winkekatzen-Challenge (de) Announcement and short introduction to the \\ Telnet-Challenge A.K.A Winkekatzen-Challenge. \\ WIN A FREE SHIRT dondario
12:25 Uncoventional tactics for online campaigning (en) Are there alternatives for petitions? A creative approach to online campaigning. Lena Rieger
12:30 TSDB mal anders (de) Was kann man abseits von Monitoring mit Grafana und Time series databases machen? zivillian
12:35 15 minute break - 15 Minuten Pause (en) 15 minute break - 15 Minuten Pause gedsic
12:50 Five Easy Things to fix Machine Learning (en) There are five simple rules to follow when researching in Machine Learning. They make your work easier to verify. 2martens
12:55 Accessibility for (adult) autistics at larger events (en) Basic guide how to care for autistics at larger events Benjamin Wand
13:00 Delay/Disruption-Tolerant Networking with dtn7-go (en) Introducing Delay/Disruption-Tolerant Networking (DTN) through the dtn7-go software to be used for ad hoc networks with no or limited infrastructure. Alvar Penning
13:05 Tesla Radar (en) Tesla vehicles with 'Phone Key' transmit a unique ID.Tesla Radar tracks these IDs and creates a heat-map in order to raise awareness for the issue. Martin Herfurt @mherfurt
13:10 Open Source Licenses: Where they come from (en) Introduction to Open Source Initiative's license review process. Hong Phuc Dang
13:15 Soldering Workshops at the Hardware Hacking Area (en) I will give an overview of the workshops taught at the Hardware Hacking Area. Emily Hammes
13:20 Exciting developments around Linux on Phones (en) There have been countless attempts to dethrone Android. Many tried, many failed. But 2020 might be the year we finally see this change! Jan Sprinz
13:25 Hacking Ecology - Four projects where you can help! (de) Four projects are presented where you can help nature and people. Later we meet at Wikipaka (2019-12-29, 19:00–22:00) for a small hackathon. Mario
13:30 Make peace & time with accounting (en) Accounting is not very fun and is not taught at school, yet this talk will try to convince you that it is as important as brushing your teeth. Louis Opter
13:35 Do-ocracy done well (en) Lessons learned from five years of experimenting with do-ocracy. How to solve internal conflict and give power to the people who do stuff! Merlijn Sebrechts
13:40 Open Laser Tag (en) We are building a easy to build open source laser tag system. zeud, Florian
13:45 Free Binary Analysis Course (en) Do you want to analyse malware, but are you unsure how? Do you want to learn more, but do you not know where? Follow this course to get a head start! Max 'Libra' Kersten

Day 3 - 2019-12-29

Time Title (Language) Abstract Author
11:30 Lightning Talks Introduction Day 3 (en) A short introduction to the Lightning Talks Day 2 session gedsic
11:35 Where Trust Ends - Certificate Pinning for the Rest of Us! (en) A quick intro to certificate pinning, why it is useful and a new Firefox add-on to do this for any https enabled website. Heurekus
11:40 distri: a Linux distribution to research fast package management (en) Linux package managers are too slow! Michael Stapelberg
11:45 Hacking Neural Networks (en) A quick look at one of many vulnerabilities deep learning can have and how you can learn more about exploiting and defending neural networks. Michael Kissner
11:50 XSRF Side Channel (en) Get requests to REST APIs are not protected against XSRF, this opens a side-channel to attackers able to read the network traffic. Eric
11:55 Emissions API: Easy access to satellite-based emission data for everyone (en) Emissions API’s mission is to provide easy access to satellite-based air pollution data without the need of being an expert in data analysis Lars Kiesow
12:00 EXWM -- Emacs X11 Window Manager (en) This talk will be about my year using EXWM as my window manager for every day tasks. Elis Hirwing
12:05 Uninstall $product now ! (en) Another day, another highly critical CVE on a popular project. All good for everyone ? Well, except when it's invalid François Cartegnie
12:10 doing quantum computing with schoolkids (en) I will explain what it takes to teach schoolkids how to programm a quantum annealer and to solve optimization problems with this cool machine. René Grünbauer
12:15 Opencast (en) The free and open source solution for automated video capture, management, and distribution at scale. Lars Kiesow
12:20 Cidre&FHB (en) Few words about cidre making, it's presence at 36c3 and Food Hacking Base involvement. František Algoldor Apfelbeck
12:25 Menschen Beurteilen Werte Zeichen (aus dem Englischen Humans-Evaluate-Values-Token) (de) The Internet of Values, a power-structure that gives newcomers the most power and strengthens anonymity with crowd-sourced entertaining group-dynamics ahimsa
12:30 Warum wir ein Lieferkettengesetz brauchen (de) Menschenrechte gelten für alle. Wir sollten Unternehmen dazu verpflichten, für ihre Einhaltung zu sorgen. xian
12:35 15 minute break - 15 Minuten Pause (en) 15 minute break - 15 Minuten Pause gedsic
12:50 Pix2Vex: Unsupervised 3D-Reconstruction (en) Performing texture-agnostic Image-to-Geometry Reconstruction without 3D Supervision. Felix Petersen
12:55 Balkan Computer Congress - BalCCon2k20 (en) Balkan Computer Congress is an annual three days gathering of the international hacker community in the organization of LUGoNS Jelena_BalCCon
13:00 A concise introduction to double-entry accounting (en) Convinced that accounting is rewarding, this talk will explain the centuries old method of double entry accounting in wide use today. Louis Opter
13:05 iurCrowd (en) GitHub for lawyers: Using the idea of crowds/commons to hinder monopolies in the legal market. Til
13:10 "There's JavaScript in my power plug!" - How I found my first CVE (en) I will tell the story how I found my first CVE by exploiting a "smart" iot power plug and disclose details & POC for (unpublished) CVE-2019-18842. harryr
13:15 Malware Research Telegram group (en) The Malware Research group on Telegram consists of thousands of individuals that help each other out when analysing malware, and you can join! Max 'Libra' Kersten
13:20 PrivacyMail: Analyzing Email Tracking (en) I will be presenting [](, an open source eMail tracking transparency project. malexmave
13:25 openage status report 2019 (en) openage is a free Age of Empires II engine. We'll present the project's progress of the last year and future plans. JJ
13:30 BSides Amsterdam CFP (en) We are organising BSides in Amsterdam, we want you to submit your projects with a talk proposal. webhat
13:35 Let's Invent Futuristic Sleep and Dream Technologies! (en) How will our sleep and dreaming look like in 20 years? Let's shape it in a positive way! Kristoffer Appel
13:40 Investigating organized crime with shell pipes (en) Working with a network of investigative reporters, we've developed a toolkit for processing of leaks and public records into a graph of evidence. pudo
13:45 The 1*1 of passwords in 5 Minutes (en) I will show you in 5 minutes how you calculate if you password is random and long enough. zem

Day 4 - 2019-12-30

Time Title (Language) Abstract Author
11:30 Lightning Talks Introduction Day 4 (en) A short introduction to the Lightning Talks Day 4 session gedsic
11:35 Am I incognito (en) This talk focuses on how one could use a "feature" of google and trace the approximate location of a user even when his location services are blocked. Tanoy Bose
11:40 lernOS - Hacking How We Learn - Lifelong (en) lernOS sees itself as an "operating system for lifelong learning". The talk gives an overview of the approach and available resources. Simon Dückert
11:45 sms4you (en) Presenting a simple gateway for using SMS with other means of communication. Felix D.
11:50 Verifpal: cryptographic protocol analysis for students and engineers (en) Verifpal is new software for verifying the security of cryptographic protocols that is easy to use. Nadim Kobeissi
11:55 Crazy Sequential Representations - The 10958 Problem (en) CSR give integers in terms of 1 to 9 by using addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponentiation, parenthesis and/or digit concatenation. Anne Bras
12:00 How to become an Estonian E-Resident (en) A short introduction about E-Residency and how to become an Estonian E-Resident. Markus Görres
12:05 Infrastructure Village (en) This is a pitching, an Initiative for next year to create an assembly for projects like clustering, heterogeneous computing etc. Dimitrios Sapikas
12:10 How To Run a Bad Awareness Camapaign (de) Wie kann man Security Awareness Kampagnen so gestalten, dass die Mitarbeiter nichts lernen und zusätzlich noch sauer auf die IT sind? Christian Klos
12:15 The Life-Quantum as a Lowerarchichal Self-Organizing Structure (Das Lebens-quantum als niederarchichalische Selbstorganizationsstruktur) (en) 1.4 Work Resolution Formula R unit-of-work = UOW work-quantum WQ 0 <= UW - WQ = 0 ahimsa
12:20 10 minute break - 10 Minuten Pause (en) 10 minute break - 10 Minuten Pause gedsic
12:30 Hacker Culture as a Heir to the Historical Avant-Garde (en) Research presentation on the intersections of hacktivism and early 20th-century avant-garde art Juli Laczko
12:35 Blockchain! Ethereum! Cringe but cool. (en) Although tarnished, blockchain stuff should still interest hackers. This talk provides a positive if irreverent look at the space and its promises. Thomas Barker
12:40 Owning our own medical data (en) For various reasons Medical data is becoming more and more centralized, but we have to way to decide who gets access to which parts of the data. Reza
12:45 dns query filtering - how to increase performance & (accidentally) block your users (en) I'll demonstrate how you can filter dns packets from iptables with insanely great performance, and also why you should be wary about doing this. Péter Héja
12:50 Writing Drivers in High-Level Languages (en) Drivers are usually written in boring and unsafe languages such as C. Did you know that you can actually use cool and safe languages as well? Paul
12:55 'Tour de Rebel' - The world largest moving climate camp/strike (en) Cycling around the globe for climate justice & social justice with thousands of people. Aiming at education & networking for the 21st century. Jacob Heinze
13:00 Listling, an open-source web app to make and edit lists collaboratively (en) Short introduction of Listling, a free and open-source web app to make and edit lists collaboratively Sven
13:05 Unary – yet another digital tally sheet for your hackerspace (en) At the Freilab Freiburg e.V. we developed a new digital tally sheet that is easily deployable and fun to use. ypnos
13:10 Natural Language Processing Is Harder Than You Think: Challenges and Consequences (en) Despite many amazing (technical) results, NLP is facing both linguistic and ethical challenges. Given the rise of NLP, we are facing the consequences. Ingo Kleiber
13:15 Rebuild: Hack a better programming language! (en) Let's build a system programming language for hackers! More control and possibly faster than C. No legacy - Just fun! arBmind
13:20 Open Cultural Data is out there – use it to create new art and beauty! (de) Where to find large amounts of valuable open culture data and how to use them. Leander Seige
13:25 Kaboom: A cruel but fair Minesweeper (en) What if you could play Minesweeper *against* the computer? I describe how I created a game that is always fair but will punish you for every mistake pawel


In the unlikely case that something bad happens to the wiki or this page, follow @C3_LightningTLK on twitter for announcements.

You can also contact us at 36c3 at c3lt dot de.

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