
From 36C3 Wiki
Contact tvluke and others
Description Mehrere Orte im Norden
Members Contenna, Dj-Wawa, Toxicity, Tvluke
Projects create project
Self-organized Sessions Blåhaj Meetup, Bügelperlen-Ohrringe/Perler Beads Earrings, Teepunsch Tasting
Provides stage no
Location for self-organized sessions no
Orga contact {{{Has orga contact}}}URIs of the form "{{{Has orga contact}}}" are not allowed.
Uses money {{{Uses money}}}"{{{Uses money}}}" is not in the list (yes we handle money, no money handling) of allowed values for the "Uses money" property.
Need fibre {{{Need fibre}}}"{{{Need fibre}}}" is not in the list (no, yes would be great, yes its essential) of allowed values for the "Need fibre" property.
Extra Power {{{Extra power}}}
Near passage {{{Near passage}}}"{{{Near passage}}}" is not in the list (whatever, yes its essential, would be great, definitively not) of allowed values for the "Near passage" property.
Character of assembly {{{Has assembly type}}}"{{{Has assembly type}}}" is not in the list (just a gathering space, place to show and meet) of allowed values for the "Has assembly type" property.
Seats needed 0
Extra seats 0
Aread needed 0
Arrival and build up

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MOiN (Mehrere Orte im Norden) ist ein Assembly aus dem Hackerspace Rostock, dem Chaostreff Flensburg, dem Hacklabor Schwerin, dem Chaotikum in Lübeck die gemeinsam Hacken, Organisieren und das Chaos-Jahr in Norddeutschland planen.

Archived page - Impressum/Datenschutz