Obai Brause: Mix your own caffeinated sherbet powder

From 35C3 Wiki

Description Mix your own caffeinated sherbet powder (German: „Brausepulver“). We provide tools and ingredients, you mix.
Website(s) https://foodhackingbase.org/wiki/Caffeinated Sherbet
Type Workshop
Kids session No
Keyword(s) inside, food, drink
Tags Assembly:Foodhackingbase, workshop, diy, donation-based
Processing assembly Assembly:Foodhackingbase
Person organizing Schmittlauch
Language de - German, en - English
de - German, en - English
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Starts at 2018/12/28 11:45
Ends at 2018/12/28 13:45
Duration 120 minutes
Location Assembly:Foodhackingbase
  • German version below*

Come around any time during the workshop to mix your own sherbet powder containing caffeine and Guarana. Making your own sherbet powder is really easy and not that expensive. OBAI Brause is aiming to give you that crucial caffeine dose you're craving for to get you through the event. We're providing the ingredients and tools for the mixing so you can just come over during the workshop.

We only have the tools for 5 people mixing in parallel, but as mixing doesn't take that long more people can mix sequentially. The sherbet recipe is based on this recipe with some modifications. Thanks to rixx and the shackspace who did this workshop in the recent years.

Similar to a famous German "Brause" sweet, we recommend you to just eat this powder without water.

This workshop is donation-based to cover the costs of ingredients and the FoodHackingBase workshop location.

Komm während der Workshopzeit vorbei und mixe dir dein eigenes koffein- und Guaranahaltiges Brausepulver! Brausepulver mixen ist wirklich einfach. OBAI Brause soll dir die essentielle Dosis Koffein geben, um durch den Congress zu kommen. Wir stellen alle benötigten Zutaten und Tools, also komm einfach irgendwann während der Workshopzeit vorbei.

Wir haben nur genug Tools für 5 gleichzeitig Mixende, aber da das ganze nicht lange dauert könnt ihr einfach nacheinander mixen. Das Rezept basiert auf diesem , danke an rixx und den Shackspace.

Wie auch eine berühmte "Brause" empfehlen wir, das Pulver einfach pur zu konsumieren.

Zur Kostendeckung der Zutaten und der Location (FoddHackingBase) bitten wir um Spenden.

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