Ice swimming

From 35C3 Wiki

Description We go ice swimming in a nearby lake!
Kids session No
Keyword(s) outside
Tags swimming, outdoor
Processing assembly Assembly:Curry Club Augsburg
Person organizing Iblech
Language de - German, en - English
de - German, en - English
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Starts at 2018/12/2x hh:00
Ends at TBD
Duration TBD

We go ice swimming at a nearby lake!

In case you didn't bring swimming suits, then don't worry: Every pair of pants is a swimming pair of pants! Every dress is a swimming dress! :-) Also, we have a couple of extra swim suits which we gladly borrow.

In case you never went ice swimming before and are slightly scared, then we have good news to share: You'll have your first ice swimming on this congress! Wohoo! Joking aside, ice swimming is awesome and it's not as bad as it sounds. You can hop in and immediately hop out. Also if you're still unsure you could also just go with us to the lake and then decide in the moment whether you want to go in the water or not. Everybody is welcome.

We still need to decide on a time. Let's use this wiki page to discuss! Make a proposal!

I would propose 12:00 on day 3 - siniot

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